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DYNAMITE IS OUT EVERYONE, how do feel about it, I think it's so good, I kept waking up, thinking when it'll be released, tell me what you think of it and my story so far, don't worry, our little Jiminy will stop suffering eventually, now on to the chapter 💙

Namjoon's pov

Jimin wakes up a bit after and we take him home, news of an ambulance taking a BTS member to the hospital is all over the internet already and as other pictures had all of us, they deducted that it was Jimin indeed.

As we get to the dorm I support Jimin out of the vehicle, Jin on the other side and we get to his bedroom, tuck him in and close the light, Yoongi stayed with him to make sure he's okay and get him anything he needs.

"Alright guys let's head to sleep this had been a long day" I say, everyone goes to their rooms but I call Jin to discuss what the doctor told me, he looked like he expected me calling him and came to my room, " Jimin has an eating disorder" I state plainly, "
What! How he's been with us this whole time none of us noticed anything wrong with him!"  he's as shocked as I've been "I know that's what I told the doctor but he seems to have found marks on his hands that mean he's been throwing up his food so he won't gain weight" "oh God, Jimin " he covers his mouth with his hand. " we'll help him get better, we'll beat this thing together" he nodds " we should probably go to sleep now and we'll tell the members later but with less details I don't want Jimin feeling bad between us" I say lastly and Jin heads to his room.

Yoongi's pov

Jimin slept right away once his head touched the pillow, I feel bad that he had to go through this, and I've been on my phone for a while now that I knew army knows about him being transferred to the hospital, what are we going to tell them, probably that he over worked himself and needed some rest, that's it right?

A voice intrupts me, more like whimpering, it's Jimin, looks like he's having a nightmare, when did he get so sweaty, "please, no... I'm sorry" he mumbles I try to shake him awake, " Jimin, calm down hun I'm here, nothing is wrong, you're safe"

Jimin's pov

The members are all angry and some are laughing at me, I slipped while dancing and fell, " guys I'm sorry, it won't happen again" they want to kick me out of BTS, they all agree, even J Hope my best friend, why, it's just a simple mistake, " please no... I'm sorry" "Jimin, Jimin" Someone is calling me , Suga hyung, but isn't he mad at me, am I dreaming, it's a dream, thank God, I try to open my aching eyes," Jimin, don't worry I'm here, wake up "I open my eyes and find Yoongi beside me, I break down in tears and he hugs me," hey it's okay, it was just a nightmare, you're okay "he patted my head untill I calmed down.

" do you know what happened?" he asks," what, uh we were at the concert and came back but, I feel like I'm messing something" " you passed out backstage and we took you to the hospital" he says "oh"  is all I manage to say, "thank God you weren't hurt, we were so worried about you Jiminy" I smile at the nickname, "I had a terrible dream, you guys kicked me out of the band" tears  start gathering in my eyes again, "we will never do that, BTS is seven, it can't be without one of us" " right" "I'll be here all night if you needed anything" he says. "
Wait, does ARMY know?" I ask "that I passed out I mean" I explain "  well they don't know any details but they know that a band member was taken to the hospital as some paparazzi took pictures of us leaving in the ambulance" he says crap now they will start asking questions " hey, you don't need to worry about anything we'll tell them you overworked yourself and got a bit sick it's alright, you need to sleep now, I'm here if you need anything" "thanks hyung" I thank him grateful for all what they have done to me " anytime Jimin,  now off to sleep" I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep, this can't end well I'm sure.

Namjoon's pov

In the morning we decid to let Jimin sleep in late as he needs the rest and we gather in the hotel's cafeteria "guys, what I'm about to say can't be heard outside of this group, the only other person that needs to know is our manager that's it okay" they all nod "Jimin suffers from an eating disorder" I hear some gasps and see wide eyes "he's been starving himself for God knows how long and lost a lot of weight, I could feel it when I carried him yesterday" " did you know all that by just carrying him?" asked Yoongi, " of course not, the doctor told me, the thing is we need to keep an eye on him, we have to help him get better, again, no one else can know, not our friends, not the noonas, nobody" theya ll nod and start discussing how we're going to do this.

Jimin's pov

I wake up feeling a bit tired, what time is it,  i check my phone, 10:30 am home did I sleep that long, the room is empty, I remember Yoongi hyung being here last night, just as I think of it I hear a knock on the door, " come in" I say

" waky waky sunshine" says Hoseok "hyung don't call me that" I complain " what, you look like a total sunshine with your blonde hair" he ruffels my already messed up hair with his hand "how are you feeling today?" he asks  "
I feel good, don't worry hyung" i assure him," okay let's have some breakfast then" ah shit here we go again " I'm not hungry actually, you go before me I'll grab something when I'm hungry" he gives me a weird look, " well Namjoon said I should go back tohim with you in my hand so let's go Mr" he insists " okay wait till I get dressed" I look down and see that I slept with my yesterday clothes, "no excuses now, let's go" he says, i run my hand through my hair a couple of times to set it back in place and follow him down stairs, I hate food.

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