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Jimin's pov

I walk with Hoseok to the cafeteria where the rest of the members are waiting, with breakfast on the table in front of them " Jiminy" calls Taehyung, " How do you feel now Chimchim" says Jin "what's with you and the nicknames today?" I ask giggling, " come join us we ordered a feast to feed your bones" said Hoseok then his eyes goes wide realizing what he said then laughs it off inviting me to sit beside him, I can feel something is in the air, something wrong. I'll find it out.

We start eating and I try my best to avoid any greasy things like bacon, I do need to eat after what happened yesterday, my stomach growling agrees with me as I feed it at last, once I'm halfway through my plate I decide that's enough for a breakfast, my stomach fills up pretty quickly due to me starving it and they orded huge protions, they're all digging in happily, I wish I could be normal like that, eat out happily with my friends.

" Jimin, aren't you gonna finish that?" asks Jungkook "I'm really full" I say, which is true " you eat like a spareow" says Hoseok " cmon finish your plate" " Don't pressure him guys" says Namjoon, what, he never comments on that, something is really going on,
"What's wrong guys, are you hiding something from me?" I ask suspiciously, "let's finish eating then we'll talk about it" Namjoon says and I nod.

After we got coffe and I got water Namjoon started talking "so..." I began "well Jimin, you see, the doctor at the hospital told me something that I need to ask you about and please reply to me honestly we're all your friends" okay " I replied anxiously, it can't be....." do you starve yourself to lose weight? " shit he said it," I..... ummm " I gulped suddenly feeling all eyes on me" I tried to diet a bit "I lied "more like restrict yourself from eating all at once" he sounded angry, "Jimin, I carried you last night, you weight nothing, I could blow you off your feet with a single push" I look at him not knowing what to say, I feel so exposed

"but I'm fat" I say under my breath "what?" asks as if he hadn't heard me "I'm fat Namjoon, look at my thighs qnd stomach I'm... I'm disgusting" tears started willing up my eyes and I don't think I can hold it any longer "I hate the way I look and they way ARMY thinks of me" tears start falling down my cheeks "what does ARMY think of you" he says in a gentler tone, "they think I'm lazy and ugly, look!" I hand him my phone full of screenshots of those comments that keep me up at night.

He reads through the comments shocked that I get so much hate " Jimin why do you focus on those comments, that's not ARMY , those are toxic people that want to bring you down and you let them, ARMY loves you, there's a hash tag that went out last night called #take_care_of_Jimin and fans are sharing it all over the internet, who told you you're disgusting, you're perfect just the way you are" he says with his eyes pleading me to believe him but I just can't, my mind won't procces thfat kind of into.

I look down at my hands and listen to what he has to say, " Jimin, this is bigger than us, you need to see a dietitian" my eyes go wide, no, that can't happen they'll force me to eat and gain weight, no that's exactly what I didn't want to happen "
No, I'm not going" i say sternly "why Jimin, you need it honey" says Jin "I can get better by myself" I try to convince them, "no Jiminy that will be a failure, you need to talk this out with a professional" Yoongi says "but..." I try "no buts, you're going, period, this is for you're own good, we want what's best for you and ARMY too"Namjoon says.

" you need to call your mum, she must've seen the news by now, comfort her, you don't need to tell her, this is between us " I nod and wipe my tearful eyes.

I go outside and call my mum, "Jiminy, thank God I was worried sick about you" she cries " omma don't cry please, I'm fine, I just fell an dhurt my knee so they had to check it up and it's fine I just need some rest" i try to come up with a logical lie " you better rest well, once I heard you've been taken to a hospital my heart dropped and I couldn't reach you, I've been calling all night" she says angrily " I was asleep omma please don't worry I'm completely fine" we talk for a bit then hang up and I go back inside being the elephant in the room.

"how did it go?" Jungkook asked, "she was quite mad" I say pursing my lips together "if i were her I'd be so worried about my little Chimchim" Jin says mocking me again knowing how I react to that nickname, but it doesn't effect me, this is so bad, I hate when things get out of control.

" Jimin, don't worry, we're all in this together, we have some time before our up coming concert, we canfind a good doctor and book an appointment online, it's so easy and private, fans will know nothing about it", I sigh giving up, there's no escape from this, especially when he says "that's Bang pd nim orders".

I go up to my room , put my headphones and just ignore the rest of the world, I can't believe this is happening.

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