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Jimin's pov

I woke up with a horrible headache, my eyes sting, I remembered last night's events, shit did that really happen?! Yoongi saw me like that, he must pity me now, he won't tell but I know he's disgusted with me.

I get up and drink some water, my throat is so sore, I couldn't throw it all up after all, I just strained myself badly, good we don't have a concert soon or my voice would crack.

A knock on the door gets me out of my thoughts, just now I noticed that Yoongi is still asleep in my bed, his hair is a mess, probably mine too, I open the door and find Jungkook holding a tray of food
"~Breakfaaaast~" he says in a sing song voice "oh thanks Jungkook" I take the tray and he jumps on the bed startling Yoongi out of his dreams "
HEY! I WAS SLEEPING" Yoongi yells " exactly it's late waki waki" Yoongi glares at him then notices that I'm holding food "oh I brought breakfast c'mon get up and eat" he says before heading to the door "I'll have breakfast with the others, have fun, do you want anything else sir" he says jokingly bowing, "No thank you" I say,

He closes the door and I set the tray in front of Yoongi "fluffy pancakes with whipped cream and syrup, typical Japan " he says before cutting a piece of pancake and putting it in the air, " what! " I ask "c'mon it's for you" I blush and take the fork in my mouth, why is he treating me like that " I can cut my own food you know" I say holding my fork " why can't I pamper my little Jiminy" he teases me "hey stop it" he laughs and starts eating his plate, we eat silently for a while, I have to eat to fill the gap in time till we have to hand the tray back, I cut tiny pieces of pancake and eat them slowly, time passes by in slow motion till Yoongi finishes his plate and lays back again.

I put my fork on the plate and push it away "Jimin you ate a baby portion, have some more" he says "no its so sweet, I'm full" "okay" he says pursing his lips together and taking the tray out " c'mon let's join the others and see what they are up to"he says getting up and changing" don't we have an interview? " I ask," no, it got canceled " he says relived.

We head to Jin's room and find the rest of the members there, Namjoon and Jin were talking and Jungkook and Taehyung were playing some game" ah Jimin, Yoongi nice to have you here" Namjoon says, Jin gets up and takes my arm saying" I need to talk to you " , what is it that he doesn't want to say in front of the others.

We get out of the room and stay in the hallway," Bang pd called this morning and said he booked an appointment for you "I look at him confused" what appointment? " I ask" he had to cancel a couple of interviews so we can take you to a dietitian " he says looking down , I gulp, now the shit starts, they'll force me to eat or even feed me through a tube and force me to gain weight." no I don't want to go " I protest" it's Bang pd orders we have nothing to do about it " he says defeated," listen Jimin" he puts his hand on my shoulder now his face is near mine looking me dead in the eyes " you have to get better, you need to, you're slowly killing yourself, please, for us at least " he says with pleading eyes "okay" I say finally, looks like there's no escaping this.

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