028 | coffee

934 39 11

it was the next day, i felt sick and restless. i still managed to get up in the morning and get ready. yoshi had dropped off my things from doyoungs house yesterday since i had left it there.

i didn't come out to have breakfast, i didn't feel like seeing anyone. i walked to my desk and checked my phone with a bunch of notifs.

missed call from haruto watanabe (4)

text from haruto watanabe (8)
please can we talk?

text from sujin kim
hey i got caught up in something tonight and i can't make it over, is it okay if you could do my half of the project? i'll treat u back, i promise!

i skipped through the notifs and read sujins - i guess i can do this to distract myself i sighed. i pulled out the unfinished assignment from my backpack and got to work.

i worked on sujins part of assignment for about an hour until i got another message. i closed my eyes hoping it wasn't haruto again.

kanemotosora : @jayparkbh has requested to follow you!

i clicked on the notification, it was jay from the hang out with doyoung. i accepted and got a message.

"hey sora! it's jay from last time at the park? hope you remember me haha we should hang out again! oh and this is sunghoons @shoonbh"

i replied back and followed sunghoons mention, i got a follow back. i remembered his parka that he had given me that day. i looked over and it was draped on my vanity chair.

i decided to message him to give it back and off my hands,

"hi sunghoon i still have your parka, let's meet up so i can return it?"

i set my phone down and sighed, i should really finished this project. i was close to finished but i had a few stuff to look over including other assignments from my other classes. my phone suddenly buzzed.

"meet at ding tea in an hour"

i nodded at the message, i got up and grabbed the parka. i mean the best thing i could do is wash it for him if he was going to let me borrow it.

i grabbed it and put it in the washer - i headed back to my room to start getting ready.

"did you eat breakfast yet?" i heard a voice say. i turned around and it was hyunsuk, i shook my head.

"i'm going out in a little so i'll eat there" i said with a 'please believe me' smile. he rolled his eyes, "alright alright, just make sure you eat!" and let me walk on.

i quickly got ready and grabbed the parka from the dryer. it was warm and had the smell of fresh cotton.

i headed out to ding tea and saw a guy standing outside the store, he had on a long brown winter coat that complimented his height and dark hair.

i gave him a warm smile, "hi sunghoon"

[sunghoon pov]

jeez is she crawling here or what? it's so cold i can't even feel my hands. i looked around and finally saw sora, she wore a white turtle neck, jeans and a black puffy jacket that made her look like a marshmallow.

she walked up and smiled, i can see her lips trembling from the sharp cold weather. jay sent my social to sora so i could get to know her more, i scolded at him for a good hour but i think he learned his lesson.

"let's go get a drink really quick!" she said excitingly and ran inside. i chuckled and followed her in,

the warm vanilla air hit our faces as we walked in, the cafe was decorated with green plants and fuzzy warm yellow lights - soft music was played in the back reassuring the mood.

we went up and ordered our drinks, "sorry i took so long, i got lost" sora said. i shook my head, "you're so slow i thought you would take 3 days to get here" i replied. she rolled her eyes at me and looked around for her drink.

once we got our drinks we walked back outside.

"ah here. thanks for lending it, i thought i could wash it for you too" she said handing over the jacket.

"you didn't need to" i said. she handed over the jacket -i felt a clump in the pockets. i unbutton the left pocket and it was crumbled paper.

i took a piece out and tried to read out what it said,

love hayeon.

i knew what it was, it was the letter hayeon gave me on my birthday last year before she left without telling me why.

i cherished it because it was the last words she said to me before she left. she said she loved me, that i made her happy, and that she wouldn't know what to do if she ever lost me.

but how could she say that but leave so easily like we were nothing? she couldn't even come say it to my face before leaving.

i looked up at sora, she looked confused. but i was furious, i could feel the heat run through my body. the paper was washed up and dried into little pieces.

"why did you wash the jacket." i said coldly.

she wrinkled her brows, "i thought it could be a nice thing to do since you let me-" i cut her off

"why! i didn't ask you to!" i raised my voice. her eyes widened, i clutched my fist holding back my anger. the paper in my hand fell on the wet dirty ground as i opened up my hands again.

she reached down to grab it, jays words played in my head.

she left without even saying goodbye, she's not worth it

i grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

"leave it." i said looking at her. she tried to get out of my grip but i held on tighter and moved her hand up.

"sora just go." i said,

"sunghoon stop you're hurting me!" she dropped her drink on the ground holding her arm. i didn't realize how tight i was holding on to her. i let go, i had left a mark around her wrist from how harsh i wrapped my hand around her arm.

"im sorry" sora stuttered over her words holding her wrist.

"forget it." i walked away in the cold winter air.

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