013 | the boys

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[sora pov]

i blinked a few times and opened my eyes and saw haruto sleeping on one of the chairs. i got up and looked around, i had slept for 2 hours.

he was sleeping uncomfortably on the chair by the way he was positioned. i got up and grabbed the blanket i had and put it over haruto so he wouldn't get cold. i saw the new bandage over the side of his cheek. it was cleaned up better than yesterday.

i quietly left the room and thanked the nurse for treating me. i walked out and headed to my last class of the day.

i came back to the dorm and all the guys were sitting in the living room hanging out. i guess they didn't have practice today, "wanna join us?" doyoung asked patting the seat next to him.

i dropped my bag near my door and sat down with them, "i'm so sore, i could sleep for 2 days if i could right now" jihoon whined drinking his milk.

junkyu pouted his lips, "hey! i started practice earlier than you yesterday! i should be the one complaining".

the guys laughed and talked about practice for a while, "wow i can't believe we are actually debuting soon" junghwan said.

i nodded, "do you guys know when yet?" i asked. yedam shook his head, "they haven't told us yet but it should be in a few months"

"i heard yg is looking to cast girls this year, i don't know for what but i hope it's a girl group" junkyu said his eyes glowing.

mashiho nodded vigorously, "i overheard some of the staff talking about it! i'm excited to see new trainees! blackpink sunbaenim is my inspiration" posing like the blackpink album cover with his legs crossed.

i laughed, "sora you should audition" yedam head shot towards me.

"no no i can't sing" i said shaking both of my hands in front of me. "of course you can sing what are you talking about?" yoshi said putting his hand on my shoulder.

i looked at him like he was crazy, he heard me sing a few times. yeah my shower head makes a great audience, and my shampoo bottle is a stable mic.

we moved passed the topic and talked about other stuff. it was getting late so we all decided to head back into our rooms.

i took a quick shower and sat down at my desk. i then got a text from jaehyuk who is in the other dorm.

jaehyuk : sora! are you hungry? i made two bowls of ramen but asahi fell asleep before he could eat, do you want some?

i stared at the notification, i waited a while before opening the message, i thought about the last time i had talked to jaehyuk, it was the water incident.

i put my finger over my mouth, hmm should i? i texted him back,

sure! i'll be there in a bit

i put on a hoodie and quietly left the dorm and headed to jaehyuk's dorm with the other boys.

i quietly knocked on the door that jaehyuk had texted me, he opened it with a big smile on his face.

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