Chapter 3 - Keep It a Secret?

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Strolling through the relatively empty airport, Gigi attentively made her way towards her gate. As usual, she was there well before her scheduled flight- she was always paranoid that LA traffic would work against her favor. Taking the wait ahead in stride, Gigi settled into one of the lounge's square pleather chairs. She was running on little sleep and was more than tempted to spend the time napping.

Just hours before, she had yet another dream involving Crystal, this one eerily too reflective of her travels ahead. Her imaginary flight to Chicago had been somehow sidetracked, landing her in the middle-of-nowhere America. A place that looked vaguely reminiscent of rural Missouri. Lost and confused, she suddenly heard a familiar voice. It was Crystal, calling out for Gigi as their show was about to begin. No matter how desperately she tried, how far she ran, Gigi just couldn't make it to Chicago in time. Tears streamed down her face as her dream faded into consciousness.

Fighting off this imagery and the urge to sleep, Gigi scrolled aimlessly through her phone to pass the time. She opened up Instagram and, as usual, was met with a plethora of tagged photos of her and Crystal. Although she'd seen these images countless times before, the sight of them still warmed her heart. Yes, it was blatantly obvious she missed Crystal. Gigi saw this weekend as an escape from that, and hopefully some sort of resolution to her recurring, disruptive dreams. Things just felt so much easier when she and Crystal were together...

*Ding ding*

The sound of her phone quickly pulled her from her zoned out state. On her screen was a text notification from her mother:

"Hope you made it to the airport safely. Have a great flight. Love, Mom"

"Thanks, Mom, I love you too" Gigi promptly replied. Clicking her phone shut, she stared aimlessly out the wall of windows before her. That one text sent Gigi back into thinking about one very important part of this upcoming weekend. With her mother stopping by to see the second night's show, Gigi would be introducing her to Crystal for the first time in-person. She had mentioned it briefly to Crystal weeks ago, but never again since then. Now more than ever would be the time for her to introduce Crystal as not just her friend and fellow queen, but as her partner. Sharing this detail felt both important and terrifying, as Crystal and Gigi had become so accustomed to keeping their relationship private. While Gigi herself was nervous, how would Crystal react? Was the timing really right to take this next step? The logical side of her brain said that all would be fine and that she was overreacting, but her anxiety made her feel otherwise.

Before Gigi could contemplate further, she heard the gate agent make the boarding call for her flight. As she began to gather her belongings, she texted Crystal:

"Hey Crys, I know you're busy driving. Just wanted to update you that I'm getting on the plane now. See you super soon. Love you <3"

Gigi joined the line of other passengers, briefly putting a pause on her thoughts from earlier. The 4-hour flight ahead would give her plenty of time to mull them over. And, possibly, time for that nap she had been hoping for. 

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