Chapter 4 - Reunited and It Feels So Goode

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Waiting at the luggage claim, Crystal couldn't help but feel antsy about Gigi's arrival. Usually it was Crystal who was flying out to some major city for a show. This time, she got to be the one to meet Gigi at the airport. Standing out from the sea of taxi drivers besides her, she giddily held a handcrafted sign reading "Miss Goode."

As Gigi made her way down the escalator, her eyes eagerly scanned the room for Crystal. So much of their relationship had been defined by moments like these. Travelling here and there, dotted with many joyful hellos and tearful goodbyes. Just the thought of being back in the same space as Crystal sent a flutter of emotion through her body. Within seconds, she spotted Crystal's goofy sign and broke out in a fit of bashful laughter. An excited squeal slipped from Crystal's lips as she caught sight of Gigi. Crashing into her arms, Gigi could barely contain the sheer energy of being reunited with Crystal. Five months in quarantine was WAY too long. It didn't matter that they were in a stuffy, fluorescent-lit luggage claim. The reunion meant everything.

"AHHHH!" Crystal exclaimed, struggling to form even the slightest coherent sentence as she embraced Gigi. The world around them faded into a blur as they relished in the joy of the moment. Gigi planted a soft peck on Crystal's lips. "Honey I'm home!" Gigi flirtatiously joked as if she were in some sort of old-fashioned TV sitcom. The biggest of grins sprawled across both their faces.

"Here, let me get that for you," Crystal quickly reached for Gigi's suitcase as they began to head out the door. "So I don't know about you, but I am craving some real food. Let's grab some dinner on the way to the hotel?"

"Oooo yes. There's actually this new taco place downtown I've been wanting to try. My friend from my hometown said it's like Taco Bell, but 100 times better. I'm thinking you'd like it too." Gigi had grown up in the suburbs outside Chicago and was familiar with the city. She'd been living in LA for so long, though, that she hadn't really had the chance to return since. But she remembered just enough to be an unofficial tour guide for the weekend.

Packing into Crystal's car, the two drove off, rattling on about their updates from the day. By now it was early evening. The two were technically exhausted from their travels but energized by the presence of one another. Meandering through the streets of Chicago, Gigi felt a sense of nostalgia as she directed Crystal to the restaurant. It was like a weird time warp- sharing a piece of her past with someone who meant so much to her in the present. Upon their arrival, they learned that only take-out was being offered due to the pandemic. But this didn't bother the two at all. If anything, Gigi had a fun little back-up plan up her sleeve.

"So where to now, Miss Tour Guide Goode?" Crystal asked as the two settled back in the car. Carefully balancing the bags of food on her lap, Gigi began to direct Crystal down a series of busy city streets. A few turns and traffic lights later, the surrounding skyscrapers gave way to the blue expanse of Lake Michigan. Crystal couldn't believe the view- nothing nearly like this existed in landlocked Missouri. A grassy park ran parallel to the water, providing both a scenic view and a spot for Crystal and Gigi to rest. Pulling into a relatively quiet and secluded parking lot, Crystal was thoroughly impressed by Gigi's surprise.

"Wow.," her mouth agape in awe. By this point in the evening, the sun had just begun to set, blanketing the landscape with a subtle golden glow. The warm light reflected off the city's skyline, illuminating each and every one of the towering structures.

"I did pretty goode, didn't I?" Gigi giggled, proud of her find. Usually Crystal was the one to come up with spontaneous little surprises such as these. Her heart couldn't help but flutter at Crystal's reaction.

"Very goode, indeed," Crystal smirked lovingly, giving Gigi a little air clap. "Now let's EAT!" In the blink of an eye, the two had dug through the bags of food and divvied out their shares. They proceeded through their meal in comfortable silence, enjoying both the waterfront view and the presence of one another. At one moment Gigi broke her gaze, averting her eyes ever so slightly to secretly admire Crystal. The way the setting sun highlighted the contours of her face, each curl of that gorgeous mullet. Crystal knew Gigi all too well, sensing her look and turning to meet her smitten face. Gigi shyly giggled, "What? I can't help that you're so attractive."

The world tranquilly seemed to stand still as the two reveled in each other's company, Crystal's right hand gently caressing Gigi's left. They watched the stunning sunset transform into dusk, eventually bringing on the peaceful nightfall. Turning in her seat, Crystal leaned over to plant a soft, slow peck on Gigi's cheek. Their faces just inches apart, she could feel Gigi's cheeks radiating in the darkness.


"I can't even explain how much I've missed you, and us, and just being together like this," Crystal sighed as she gently cupped her hand around Gigi's face. Just this one touch sent Gigi's heart racing, a feeling of desire radiating throughout her body.

"I've been waiting for this moment for wayyy too long. I love you more than you could ever know, Miss Methyd," Gigi feistily replied as her fingers cascaded down Crystal's arm. She leaned into Crystal with a passionate kiss- leading to many more, each one continually growing in fervor. Embracing Gigi's slim frame, Crystal craved nothing more than to pull her in closer. Parting momentarily from a kiss, Gigi's eyes opened to meet Crystal's.

"Tilt your seat back," she sensually instructed Crystal, her voice barely a whisper. Crystal zealously reached for the button to do so as Gigi climbed her way over the center console.

"OOOF! Damn car," Gigi scoffed as her head thudded against the roof.

An enamored giggle slipped from Crystal's lips. "Gotta love my nimble queen."

Taking back control of both the moment and her occasionally uncoordinated self, Gigi meticulously draped her legs across the width of the driver's seat. A feeling of warmth cascaded down Crystal's body as Gigi's met hers, lovingly straddling her lower half. Their lips met once again as Gigi's hips swayed in a slow, intentional rhythm. She could feel herself melting into Crystal, her fingers intertwined in the unruly beauty of her love's hair. Crystal eagerly gripped Gigi's thighs, picturing the porcelain skin hidden underneath. Just the thought sent her arching further into Gigi's touch, the sensation intensifying beneath their jeans. For the weeks and months they had been physically distant, Crystal could only imagine moments like these. To be back with Gigi, their bodies connected under the moonlight, was finally a euphoric reality. Time had momentarily lost all meaning as the two fell deeper into their own little world. 

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