Chapter 7 - My Partner

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The three girls made their way back to the hotel shortly after brunch. Although they could have continued talking for hours, they wanted as much time as possible to prep for their big night ahead. Back in the room, Crystal and Gigi began sorting through their makeup supplies, laying them out across the expanse of the dresser. They each squeezed in to share the tiny mirror before them, nearly shoulder-to-shoulder as they started on their looks. The room was quiet as they focused intently on each bit of their routines. With this silence, Gigi couldn't help but escape back into her thoughts.

"Just say it, Geeg. Stop making such a big deal out of it," she ruminated to herself. She glanced over to Crystal, who was busy blending out her eyeshadow. Although it was a very important question she'd be asking, Gigi wanted it to come across almost nonchalantly. To act as if she hadn't been stressing over it for quite some time. She set her brush down and took a deep breath.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" inquired Gigi. She stared down at the dresser, pretending to sort through some palletes and lipsticks.

"Sure babe, what's up?" Crystal listened in as she continued on with her makeup.

"You remember how my mother's driving into the city to see our second show tomorrow, right?"

"Of course, we've both been saying how we've been so excited to meet each other."

"Well, when you two meet, I was hoping I could maybe introduce you partner" Gigi paused, glancing over to gage Crystal's reaction.

Crystal froze as the unexpected question sent her heart racing. This would be an important moment in their relationship. A moment that pulled it out of secrecy and made it feel more real than ever. Sure, they'd be sharing it with only one other person, at least for the time being. But the sentiment was exhilarating, knowing that Gigi was ready to take that next step. Crystal felt a jolt of confidence knowing that she and Gigi were on the same page. Especially considering the question she had planned on asking later that weekend.

"I'd love that very much," Crystal grinned sweetly as she turned towards Gigi. She could notice a sense of relief cross Gigi's face. "You nervous?"

"I don't know if nervous is the right word for it. I know my mom absolutely loves you and everything will go just fine. It's more so just the anticipation leading up to it, if that makes sense," Gigi replied as she met Crystal's gaze.

"Makes total sense. If it's any reassurance, I've been secretly really excited about this moment. Not that I knew it was happening this weekend," Crystal blushed. "But maybe I had an inkling that it would." 

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