Chapter 6 - Back With Jaida

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By early afternoon, Crystal and Gigi had made their way down to the hotel lobby. They scanned the room for Jaida, surprisingly jolted by a familiar voice.

"Hey y'all!!" Jaida practically cheered as she ran over to greet the two.

"Jaida!!" they excitedly replied in unison, embracing her in a group hug.

"Top three's back together! I've missed you both so much" Jaida exclaimed, stepping back to admire their faces. "Ugh just look at you two, trade as always."

"Our queen!! Ah!" Crystal joyfully squealed. "I finally get to give you all the hugs you deserve!"

Gigi chuckled. "Yes we've had to wait WAY too long to congratulate you in person! I'm just so proud of you." She reached in to give Jaida another hug.

Within minutes, the girls had made their way outside to explore the city and find a place for brunch. As they strolled around, Jaida turned the conversation back to Crystal and Gigi.

"So how are you both doing? Having fun in Chicago so far?"

Gigi blushed slightly, unintentionally thinking back to her and Crystal's night from before. Spotting her reaction, Crystal quickly stepped in.

"Oh yeah so much fun, and Chicago's gorgeous! Geeg and I did a little sightseeing around the city yesterday."

"Yep, you could say I was an excellent tour guide," Gigi quipped, earnestly hoping that Jaida hadn't picked up on her blushing.

Jaida caught Crystal and Gigi locking eyes, knowing the two well enough to detect that something was up. She wasn't afraid to dig a little deeper into the conversation.

"Cute, so you ran off to share some fruit snacks like y'all did back in Vegas? I know I was a bit drunk at that after party but chile, I still remember you two disappearing half the night" Jaida joked, playfully nudging Crystal's side.

"Oh yeah, we totally hired a van to drive us around the city, just so we could canoodle in the back seat," Crystal laughed, wittily referring to their times together on set. She immediately realized this joke was way too similar to what had actually happened between her and Gigi the night before. Oops.

"Well I'm glad to hear you and Gigi are having fun," Jaida winked, deciding to give the Crygi teasing a rest for the time being. "So about our first show tonight...can I just say again for the hundredth time how excited I am?! I heard it just sold out."

The three girls excitedly chattered on as they found a restaurant, settling in at one of its patio tables. Being back together felt as though no time had passed, despite it being months since they had been. While they caught up on nearly every life update, there was one that, unsurprisingly, went unshared. Crystal and Gigi had managed to keep their secret once again.

As they finished up their meal, Gigi couldn't help but think back to earlier that day, with her thoughts from the café and the words that went unsaid to Crystal. At the forefront of her mind was the most important question of them all. One that she would need to muster the courage to ask Crystal this weekend.  

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