Chapter 1 - Clumsy Dreams

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(A/N: Sequel to "What Happens in Vegas..." Hope you enjoy!)

"It was just a dream, it was just a dream," Gigi consoled herself, anxiously emerging from her sleep. She had yet another weird dream about Crystal that night, one that bordered on being a nightmare. One that felt so vividly real, she had to second guess whether it had actually happened.

It was a warm summer evening at a picturesque beach. The golden glow of the setting sun embraced Gigi as she roller-skated swiftly alongside the shore. To her surprise, she spotted Crystal in the far-off distance, calling out excitedly for Gigi to catch up. But no matter how hard Gigi tried, she suddenly lost all physical coordination as her skates slipped from underneath. The surrounding beach suddenly felt debilitating as the world seemed to jarringly close in. She slipped and tumbled over and over in a desperate attempt to reach Crystal but was jolted awake before she could do so.

Unfortunately, Gigi had become all too familiar with this kind of restless sleep in recent weeks. She had been missing Crystal more than ever, especially as it had been 5 months since they were last together. The dreams seemed to coincide with this emotion, becoming more frequent and vivid the longer the two girls had been apart. Ever since that last night in Vegas, Crystal and Gigi had spent nearly their entire relationship long-distance and in quarantine. Not exactly the ideal combo, especially as their season of drag race aired. But they had learned to make the best out of less-than-ideal circumstances. This being said, Crystal and Gigi continued to keep their relationship a secret from day one, even from close family and friends. They wanted to take the time just to revel in one another and figure things out on their own, free from the craziness of the world around them. As the months passed, that mindset seemed to gradually start to evolve.

A main source of consolation for Gigi was knowing that she'd be reunited with Crystal tomorrow, together in-person and not just from behind a screen. They were scheduled to perform a three-night gig in Chicago alongside a few other queens, including their season 12 sister Jaida. Considering she had spent all of quarantine doing digital drag, the chance to get back out in person was more than exhilarating.

Rolling over in bed, Gigi reached for her phone to check the time. 7:15 AM. She calculated the math- 9:15 AM Missouri time. There was a solid 50/50 chance that Crystal was up, so Gigi sent a quick text to see if she was.

"Hey babe, you awake?"

She tossed her phone on to the bed, rubbing her eyes and attempting not to ruminate on the dream. To her luck, Crystal texted back almost right away.

"Morning Geeg. Everything alright?" Crystal had the innate ability to sense when Gigi needed her.

"Yeah I'll be fine, it's kind of hard to explain. I've just had a lot on my mind lately," Gigi replied, withholding the exact details of her strange recurring dreams. "And as usual, I miss you."

Without missing a beat, her phone lit up with a Facetime call. The sight of Crystal immediately calmed her down, dissipating any lingering stress she had felt. Crystal's smile was its usual sweet self, sending a comforting warmth through Gigi's body.

"It's so goode to see your gorgeous, stunning face," Gigi grinned as Crystal beamed right back.

"Well, well, well, quite the compliment," chirped Crystal, bashfully running her fingers through her hair. "You're up early- did you sleep alright?"

"Eh. Enough to function. And hopefully enough to get through this day of sewing and packing," Gigi sighed, feigning a sense of optimism. "I think this weekend will be a much-needed refresher. Can it just get here already?"

"Agreed. The next 24 hours are going to drag on. No pun intended," Crystal replied, with Gigi chuckling at her corny sense of humor. "Speaking of this weekend, and while I have you here, can I get your opinion on something?"

"Yes, please, I could use a distraction."

Crystal set her phone down on her dresser, still in sight of Gigi's view. She scuttled off screen for just a moment, returning with an armful of sparkly orange fabric. Without a second thought, she tossed off her shirt and running shorts, leaving herself in just her boxers. Gigi couldn't help but blush at Crystal's casual stripping. Sure, they had gotten ready together in the same room plenty of times before. But it had been awhile and, well, Gigi was needy. Crystal shimmied the dress over her head, blissfully unaware of Gigi checking her out. She zipped up the fiery, tasseled dress before spinning around, doing a bunch of silly yet confident twirls to show it off.

"You look phenomenal, babe," commended Gigi. Crystal was thoroughly flattered by the praise.

"Phenomenal? As in, Phil?" Crystal joked, breaking out into character and a bunch of goofy poses.

Gigi affectionately fell into a fit of laughter. "I miss you so freaking much," Gigi sighed as she regathered herself, "in more ways than one."

From the look on Gigi's face, Crystal knew exactly what she was implying. And she loved it.

"Less than one day and I'm all yours," Crystal replied, dramatically swaying her hips as she did so.

"I know you're just messing around right now, but you need to stop tempting me if I'm to get any work done today," Gigi quipped.

Right on cue, Crystal started to teasingly unzip her dress, making little kissy faces at the screen. "Fine, Miss Goode, I'll be nice. For now, at least. Call me later and we can figure out all the details for tomorrow, with the airport and everything."

"Sounds perfect. Love you, Crys."

"Love you too, Geeg." 

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