Chapter 10 - Breakfast and Apologies

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The first thing on Gigi's mind the next morning was to text Jaida. She was too embarrassed to face her last night but didn't want to delay any longer. Jaida was one of her best friends, so the thought of there being any weird energy between the two felt awful.

"Hey, can I stop by your room sometime this morning?"

"Fine by me, come by whenever. I'll be here till noon," Jaida replied.

Gigi hastily threw on some clothes and ran a comb through her tousled hair. Leaving a sleeping Crystal behind, she headed down to the hotel's café on her way to Jaida's.


Gigi took one last drawn out breath as she knocked on Jaida's door.

"Hi girl, good morning," welcomed Jaida as she embraced Gigi in a friendly hug. "Oooh what's that you have there?"

"Thought I'd pick us up some breakfast on the way over. I wasn't sure what you'd want, so I kind of bought the entire bakery," Gigi chuckled timidly as she stepped inside, offering a box full of various pastries.

"Oh girl you didn't have to," Jaida replied. "But thank you, I always appreciate a good breakfast. Now please eat some; I can't finish this whole box myself!" She settled the box down on the coffee table, gesturing for Gigi to come over. Jaida quickly dove in for a croissant, but Gigi was too nervous to even eat anything. She fiddled with her fingers distractedly as Jaida seemed to go on with her breakfast unbothered.

"So, I think you know why I wanted to stop by this morning," said Gigi, breaking the silence. "I hate that I yelled at you last night. I snapped and it was totally uncalled for. I'm sure Crystal already told you what's going on. But in my own words, we've been long-distance these past few months and decided to keep our relationship a secret. For the time being, at least until we figured some things out."

Jaida nodded her head understandingly. Although Crystal had given her a quick summary the night before of everything going on, it was important to hear Gigi's perspective as well. I mean, she cared about her two sisters immensely.

"All of the above being said, we are truly happy together. Sometimes I can't even wrap my mind around it, like it doesn't even feel real." A small half-smile grew on her face at just that thought. "I've been tossing around the idea of whether this whole keeping it a secret deal is still necessary. I mean, you're the first person to find out about us. To which I say, congratulations, I guess?" she chuckled. "But if anything, I'm grateful it was you and not some rando who would go off gossiping about us." Jaida smiled as Gigi chattered on. " that I'm rambling...I've just been super anxious for whatever reason about sharing this news. Even with the closest people in me and Crystal's lives. When I slammed the door on you, my nerves just took over. I'm genuinely sorry for how I reacted."

Jaida could see that Gigi was openly upset about the whole situation. She reached across the table for Gigi's hands, holding them reassuringly. "Gigi, I hear you, and I appreciate you sharing all this. Please know I am not mad at you in the slightest. You should know by now I'm not one to get all riled up over a little bit of yelling and drama," Jaida smirked. "I mean, how else do you think I made it through the craziness of drag race?" The two laughed- Jaida couldn't be more on point.

"Literally what would I do without you," Gigi sighed in relief. Hearing Jaida's words was incredibly reassuring. "This whole situation's just been so emotional; I honestly kind of feel like a tiny weight has been lifted from my shoulders."

"Like that tiny weight you were carrying around during press week? Flaunting it around the red carpet like a big, strong weightlifter?" Jaida teased as she finished off her last bit of food.

"Ok no need to make fun of me, Miss Jaida. Can't you see I'm in an emotionally fragile state?" Gigi cracked sarcastically.

"All jokes aside, I am so freaking happy and excited for you both. Like I've always seen you two as a couple anyway, but now I've got the official confirmation. Crygi is indeed REAL!"

Gigi couldn't help but roll her eyes at Jaida's playful humor. "So much for all jokes aside," she laughed. 

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