Chapter 14 - Night of Surprises

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Stepping out the elevator doors, Gigi briskly made her way down the carpeted hallway. She was glad to have some time alone with Crystal, even though it would their last night together for the foreseeable future. Her stomach sank for a moment at this subtle reminder. Unfortunately, she was no stranger to this emotion. "Get it together, girl," the words replayed in Gigi's head as she fought these distracting thoughts. As she approached their door, the sinking feeling in her stomach was gradually replaced with one of excitement. One from just knowing that Crystal was there, eagerly waiting her arrival. Gigi dug through her pocket for the room key, wanting to join Crystal as soon as possible. Before she could even find it, the door opened slowly before her.

A tender look adorning her face, Crystal's eyes met Gigi's. She opened the door ever so slightly, acting as if she had a sneaky secret to hide.

"Close your eyes for a sec," she directed Gigi, confidently reaching for her hand and leading her through the entryway. Gigi blushed instantly- she found the unexpected move rather sexy.

Eyes closed, Gigi's senses picked up on the space around her. A soft amber vanilla scent filled the air, reminiscent of the sweet aroma of Crystal's body up close. Ears perking, she could detect the faint rhythm of a familiar tune:

"Oh, honey

I'd walk through fire for you

Just let me adore you

Like it's the only thing I'll ever do"

Pausing in their tracks, Gigi could feel Crystal swing around behind her, caressing her hands down her shoulders. A soft kiss on the nape of her neck sent an electric shiver down her spine. The curls of Crystal's mane tickled ever so slightly as her face reached the side of Gigi's.

"Now...OPEN!" she eagerly whispered, the flirtatious energy palpable in her voice.

In just the short time the two were apart, Crystal had transformed the once typical hotel room into something extraordinary. A dozen or so flameless tea lights were set about, lending a velvety glow to the space. Scattered across the bed were dozens of rainbow rose petals, a small pink box tucked between the pillows. Gigi could spot a collection of their favorite snacks on the adjoining nightstand, including- "Oh no she did NOT!" Gigi laughed to herself- fruit snacks.

"Of course I made sure to get our favorite kind," Crystal beamed, pointing in the direction of Gigi's gaze. Gigi didn't even need to say a thing- Crystal knew exactly what she was thinking. She turned to meet Crystal's adoring eyes, fumbling to put her reaction into words.

"You've truly outdone yourself this time, Miss Methyd," Gigi expressed in awe, a lovestruck smile plastered on her face. Each one of Crystal's loving, spontaneous surprises were somehow even more amazing than the last. "Thank you, babe." She gently kissed Crystal's lips, lingering for a bit.

"So, what's the big occasion?" Gigi teased, eagerly awaiting Crystal's reaction.

"Well...funny you should ask..." Crystal's voice trailed off slightly. This caught Gigi by surprise- I mean, she was just joking around when she asked the question. "Here, why don't you take a moment to get comfy first?" Crystal replied, handing Gigi her neatly folded pajamas.

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