Chapter 9 - Whoah What!?

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The first show had been more than a success. Even though the girls had minimal time for rehearsals, they managed to pull off each and every performance flawlessly. To celebrate, Vanjie surprised all of the queens and crew with a round, or two, or three, of tequila shots. Their cluster of trailers quickly turned into a party zone, fueled by the energy of an already incredible night. A whole array of random, ridiculous shenanigans ensued. A spontaneous water balloon turned food fight, mischievous antics, just pure craziness. Looking to hide from this craziness was Gigi, her hand briskly reaching for Crystal's.

"Hey...come here," Gigi teased as she pulled Crystal into her trailer. Yes, there were other people around. But for a brief moment, she didn't care. Surely everyone was too busy to notice.

The moment the door shut, Gigi let go of any and all inhibitions. Her arms wrapped firmly around Crystal, pulling her into a fiery kiss. They hadn't even gotten out of drag yet, but who could stop them. I mean, Gigi usually despised glitter. But when Crystal was involved? All of a sudden she'd be unfazed. Glitter who?

Her fingers wove through the ruffles of Crystal's dress, while Crystal's hands ran freely through her crimped blonde hair. Each kiss was met with perfection, even in the less-than-romantic atmosphere of the trailer.

"Just wanted to congratulate you for an amazing first show," Gigi smiled fiercely before meeting Crystal's lips once again. The two were so immersed in their own little bubble that they briefly forgot about the chaos outside. The sound of the other queens shouting about did little to distract Crystal and Gigi.

"Where the heck are they?!" yelled Jaida goofily as she searched around for her two sisters. She ran up and down the row of trailers, both in an attempt to find them and avoid another water balloon ambush. Jaida spotted Gigi's door and, without a second thought, reached for the handle. All of the queens were playing around so much that she didn't even think to knock. The door swung open at impressive speed, giving no warning to the girls inside.

"WHOAH WHAT!" shouted Crystal, reactively flinching from Gigi's face. Jaida froze in her tracks, her mouth agape. A shocked and amused expression crossed her face as she unintentionally caught was going on. She was both surprised and not at the same time. Gigi instinctively turned around at the commotion, completely startled by Jaida's presence.

"GET OUT!! GET OUT!!" Gigi shrieked. She slipped from Crystal's grip as she ran towards the door, shutting it in an instant. Any attempt to reign Gigi in was unsuccessful. She swiftly turned back to Crystal, shaking her head in a daze. "Oh god...oh no...what just happened...what did I just do...crap..." She didn't mean to lash out so crazily at Jaida. The adrenaline from the night and shock of getting caught got the best of her. Those shots of tequila from earlier probably didn't help either.

"Breathe. In and out. Yes, there you go." She rubbed Gigi's shoulder in an effort to calm her down. "Don't worry, Geeg, I've got this." Wow how the tables had turned in a matter of seconds, Crystal thought to herself. She knew that Gigi had privately been feeling on edge about the introduction to her mother all weekend. While she managed to outwardly hide it, Crystal worried that Gigi's bottled up emotions could burst at any moment. Which, in that moment with Jaida, did exactly that.

"Let me talk to Jaida really quick. I'm sure she'll understand," said Crystal as she guided Gigi to the couch. "I'll be right back, promise." She wiped the stray lipstick from her face before heading outside to meet Jaida.

Gigi sank into the couch, her face resting defeatedly in her hands. "I've messed it all up. Everything," Gigi mumbled to herself, fighting the tears that welled up in her eyes. She really didn't mean to flip out at Jaida. Everything had just happened so fast. She and Crystal had gotten so used to being sneaky with their relationship. The idea of revealing it outside of their own terms was terrifying. On top of that, Gigi was sure that the other queens had heard everything going on. There would inevitably be questions that she wasn't ready to answer, or more people in-the-know than she would have liked. She wanted nothing more than to hide in the trailer for as long as possible.

Outside, the shenanigans from earlier had briefly slowed down for a bit. Crystal spotted Jaida at the catering table, surrounded by some of the other queens and crew. She was preoccupied with pouring herself a drink when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder.

"Hey Jaida, is it ok if we talk? Maybe over in my trailer where it's quieter?" Crystal asked, a tinge of apprehension in her voice.

"Of course," Jaida replied, discreetly slipping away from the table with Crystal. Closing the trailer door behind her, the words began to fall from Crystal's mouth.

"Jaida, I'm so sorry for everything that just went down. I know Gigi's been teetering with the idea of telling others about us and she's been really anxious about it. I won't speak for her entirely but...please know that we both love you and wanted to share the news with you eventually. Yes, we're together. Yes, it officially started that night in Vegas, the one you had your suspicions about. What can I say- you're a good detective." She smiled nervously at Jaida, waiting to hear her reaction.

"First off, I totally knew you two were a thing. You couldn't fool me," Jaida laughed, taking Crystal by surprise. "That was truly some next level crazy from Gigi. Second off, I'm not mad. Really. I screwed up and barged in on you two, which I apologize for. Promise I won't go around sharing anything you don't want me to." She smiled sympathetically at Crystal. "Are we good?"

"You're the best. Love you," Crystal wrapped her arms around Jaida, pulling her into a hug. "I know Gigi will come around and want to talk too. I'm gonna go check in on her."

As Crystal made her way to the door, she could hear Jaida whisper teasingly. "Team Crygi! Wooo!" Jaida waved her hands as if doing a little cheer. Crystal simply shook her head and laughed in response. "OH Jaida..." 

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