Chapter 15 - Caught

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Slowly waking, Crystal could feel the warmth of Gigi nuzzled into her arms. A small sliver of light peaked through the curtains, faintly illuminating the contours of her soft, porcelain skin. Crystal admired each petite detail, her fingers caressing gently down Gigi's back. She preciously reveled in the moment, never wanting it to end.

Gigi gradually emerged from her slumber, keeping her eyes closed as to pretend she was still fully asleep. Her heart fluttered at Crystal's tender embrace, wanting nothing more than to sink deeper into her arms. The past few nights she had been free from those bizarre recurring dreams, finally able to rest peacefully through the night. Quite possibly because her real-life dream was happening now with Crystal by her side.

Stirring slightly, Gigi craned her head up to meet Crystal's gaze. "Morning, babe," she whispered, blissfully nibbling the bottom of Crystal's lip.

"Goode morning, Miss Goode," Crystal smiled back, delighting in Gigi's friskiness. The two snuggled comfortably in bed, the tranquility of the morning dotted with bits of conversation.

"Thank you for everything this weekend. For making it even more perfect than I could've imagined," Gigi shared, her fingers tracing small swirls across the ridges of Crystal's chest. "I wish it didn't have to end."

"You know I hate goodbyes but...I'm really excited for what's next for us," replied Crystal, a sense of hopeful optimism in her voice. For the first time ever, she had a more concrete idea of what lied ahead for her and Gigi. "Speaking in a super literal sense of what's next, how about I get ourselves some food? End the weekend with a nice breakfast in bed?"

"Yes, please, I'm starving."


While Crystal was downstairs at the café, Gigi decided to get a head start on some packing. Considering they were only there for the weekend, there seemed to be bits of clothes and drag strewn everywhere. She gradually made her way around the room, carefully inspecting for any items left behind. As she opened the nightstand drawer, she spotted a faintly familiar sight. It was a little pink box, hidden away entirely on its own. "Why do I feel like I've seen this before...?" Gigi questioned to herself as she took it into her hands. Last night felt like such a whirlwind, so maybe Crystal had it out at some point then? Despite her curiosity, something told Gigi not to open the box. She couldn't exactly pinpoint why, but she set it aside on the bed for the time being. Maybe when Crystal came back she'd have more insight.


A short time later, Crystal returned with practically a buffet's worth of food in her arms.

"Oh my, let me help you," Gigi chuckled as she helped Crystal settle everything down. As she did, Crystal noticed a flash of pink out of the corner of her eye. It was the box, the one she had clearly done a poor job at hiding. Her eyes widened nervously, with Gigi catching her averted gaze.

"That box? I found it in the nightstand drawer. Pretty sure it's yours?" said Gigi as she pointed towards the bed.

"OH yeah, yeah, yeah," replied Crystal in a somewhat flustered state. She fumbled about as she whisked the box into her suitcase.

Gigi wasn't expecting Crystal to act so strangely. Well, a different kind of strange, at least, from her usual self. "Not to be nosy but, I can't help but wonder what you're hiding in there."

Crystal's face turned a rosy shade of red. "Um, it's nothing, just, um, yeah..." She struggled to form a coherent sentence, finding no tactful away around the answer. Fully distracting from the conversation, Crystal turned toward the breakfast she had brought up from the café. "I got us some fruit, bacon, and bagels with cream cheese. Plain and cinnamon raisin," she announced, pulling the food out of the bag. Gigi found the whole situation bizarre. Why was Crystal acting so weird over this box? What could be in there that felt so important for her to hide? Not wanting to ruin the morning, Gigi decided not to push the conversation any further. But her curiosity undoubtedly lingered.

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