Chapter 12 - Third Show / Car Wash

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It was the third and final night of the show. Crystal couldn't believe it- this past weekend had flown by just way too fast.

"STUPID F&*$%#@ HEEL!"

From backstage, she could hear the anguished cry from one of the other queens. She perked up out of concern as Plastique hobbled around the corner. "Oh my god are you ok?? What happened??" Crystal speedily found a folding chair for Plastique to rest on.

"I was literally in the last 2 seconds of my dance and my ankle just rolled weird and...UGH," she groaned as she examined her injury. For something that had just happened, it wasn't looking too great.

"Here, let me get you some ice and one of the medics." Crystal had a few minutes to spare before she was due on stage, and she was intent on spending it to help her sister out. As she ran off, Plastique shouted out to her.

"Looks like it'll have to be just you and Gigi now," she lamented, referring to the performance she, Crystal, and Gigi were in for the finale.

The adrenaline coursed through Crystal's body as she ran, clonking around in her high heeled boots. Partially because she was determined to help her fellow queen. But also because of the realization that she and Gigi would get their own moment in the spotlight together.

"Look over there!" Jaida cried, pointing towards the commotion that was Crystal. Gigi turned to notice Crystal running frantically towards the trailer area.

"Hey, Crys what the heck are you doing? Everything alright?" Gigi called out as Crystal ran by.

"Yeah...I'm fine...just need a...medic for...Plastique. She...hurt her ankle...pretty bad..." Crystal replied through panted breath. "Oh by the's just you and I now...for later..." Crystal continued on as she hurried towards the first aid tent.

"Well ok, this is quite unexpected," Gigi shook her head in shock. "Just Crys and I..."

"Admit it, you're secretly excited. Don't worry I won't tell Plastique," Jaida chuckled, admitting to what Gigi was really thinking.

"Making me out to be the villain here, Miss Hall," Gigi quipped. I mean, she felt terrible that Plastique was hurt and would unwillingly need to sit out the rest of the show. But performing with Crystal, and only Crystal? It felt like the perfect ending to an already eventful weekend.


Admiring Gigi from backstage, Crystal waited in anticipation for her cue to join. As the music played, she couldn't help but feel her cheeks blush at Gigi's beauty. She just looked so perfectly fierce in her fitted white jumpsuit, which glowed impeccably under the spotlights. Her wavy blonde hair flowed effortlessly with each move, cascading down her flawlessly sculpted figure. Her gaze was entirely transfixed on Gigi, even as she steadily climbed her way up the stairs to the stage. The moment she made it to the top, Gigi spun to catch her sight. Their seamless magnetism drew their bodies together as they danced freely to the music. Gigi took a drawn out second to admire Crystal's newest look, which made her look like a cute fluff of a checkered flag. Her glittered lips reflected miniscule flashes of light, magnificently framing her beaming smile. So immersed in the moment, Gigi briefly forgot to lip sync, her mouth preoccupied with wanting to kiss Crystal. She quickly snapped back to reality, remembering that they were in fact still on stage in front of hundreds of people. Oh, and it was almost time for their choreographed bit, one they had to learn in record time. They twirled around goofily and reasonably in sync, at least for two aspiring dancing divas. Crystal had to hold back a laughing fit- she and Gigi looked like two drunk girls on a wedding dance floor attempting a line dance. But the crowd was loving it and so were Crystal and Gigi, which honestly was all that mattered.

Their routine was barely a minute long, but it felt like the longest minute in the best way possible. Time briefly ceased to exist, their performance propelled forward on pure adrenaline. Their chemistry radiated through each move, truly making that stage their own. In the blink of an eye, Crystal and Gigi found themselves waving to the crowd, their music fading into the next song. They nearly stumbled down the stairs, completely overcome with the sheer energy they had just created. This was both their first and last time together sharing the Chicago spotlight, a fact that was not lost upon them.

"Oh my god we just DID THAT!" Gigi nearly shrieked over the thumping sound of the speakers. "Like, that was iconic."

"I freaking love you," Crystal could barely even speak, totally smitten with joyous emotion. She whisked Gigi close, pulling them out of view of any prying eyes. Obscured by the darkness backstage, she landed a brisk yet passionate kiss on Gigi's lips. Their hearts raced wildly from the thrill of it all. While the show was everything, it was only the beginning of the night ahead. Crystal couldn't wait for what she had planned for Gigi back at the hotel. 

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