Chapter 13 - Hotel Hangout

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"A toast. To all you crazy ladies. We completely OWNED Chicago this weekend, let me tell you that. And I love every single one of you," Vanjie announced as she held a glass in the air. "On that note, let's drink."

"Cheers!" reciprocated the other queens, tossing back their beverages in unison. After the previous nights' craziness, they opted for a relatively chill hangout at the hotel to round out their weekend. Packed in Jaida's room, the seven queens lounged around, exchanging bottles of wine and rounds of conversation. Jaida, Crystal, and Gigi had staked their claim on the bed, making themselves comfortable as they chatted amongst each other.

"So how are y'all doing? Last night in Chicago and everything?" Jaida asked discreetly as she turned towards Crystal and Gigi. The other queens in the room were momentarily distracted by some video Yvie was showing on her phone.

Both Crystal and Gigi knew exactly what Jaida was implying. Having traveled together in the past, Jaida was fully aware of how the two girls felt each time they needed to return to their respective homes. While all three of them had a close bond, the one between Crystal and Gigi had always had that extra layer to it. Now that Jaida knew about their relationship, she felt almost a sense of protectiveness over them, hating to see this sense of heartbreak they faced.

"You know, it is what it is," Gigi sighed, swirling around the glass of wine in her hands. "It sucks but, I guess we're kind of used to it now, right?" She and Crystal's eyes met, a quiet feeling of understanding shared between them.

"I hate to say it but, yeah. It never really gets easier though," Crystal replied, a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"I'm sorry you two keep on having to go through this." Jaida wrapped her arms caringly across their shoulders. "One day when Miss Rona is gone, we'll have to do this again. We'll get back together and perform and just live our best lives together. It'll happen, I'll make sure of it." She smiled reassuringly at both her sisters.

Before Crystal or Gigi could even respond, all three of the girls were interrupted by the other queens in the room. "Crystal! Jaida! Gigi! Oh my god you have to see these videos from the show," Asia called out, waving them all over to the other side of the room. Pulled suddenly from their conversation, the girls rejoined the commotion of the group.


As the night carried on, Crystal became steadily more aware of the passing time. Nearly midnight, she had mentally checked out of the hangout. The only things on her mind were Gigi and the surprise she had lined up for her back in their room.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna head upstairs a little early tonight," Crystal whispered, leaning into Gigi. "You stay here for a bit; it'll be too obvious if we leave together."

"Smart. I'll see you soon," Gigi winked, eliciting a sly grin from Crystal. She watched Crystal make her rounds and say goodbye, covertly admiring her from across the room. As she did so, Gigi couldn't help but think back to their previous final night together, seemingly forever ago in Vegas. What happened back at the hotel after she knocked on Crystal's door. Her muscles felt weak at just the memory; easy to say that Crystal did not disappoint. And just like that, Gigi was mentally checked out of the hangout as well. She poured herself a small half-glass of wine, attempting to distract herself from the wait. At least it wasn't months-long like she was used to.


Both impatience and desire had gotten the best of Gigi. She tried to play along like she was invested in whatever the girls were talking about. But in reality, she just wanted to be back with Crystal, for what few hours they had left together. Time was not on her side as the minutes seemed to drag on. Gigi couldn't help but keep on checking her phone as if that would help (which of course, it didn't). The other queens gradually couldn't help but to notice.

"Who are you waiting on? You got a man here in Chicago or something?" Vanjie called out, clearly directing the question towards Gigi. The other girls gasped before breaking out in a fit of laughter. Gigi could feel her face unwittingly turn red as she burrowed her phone away. "Tell Crystal I say hi and I miss her already."

Now Gigi was more than blushing; she was silently panicking inside. Did Vanjie catch them at some point during one of their shows? Maybe after her and Crystal's last performance when they kissed backstage? Did the word get out somehow?? Without missing a beat, Vanjie continued on.


"KIDDING! Just messing with you. I know how those fans are crazy with anything Crygi," Vanjie exclaimed, wrapping her arm goofily around Gigi's shoulder. "Just speaking from experience with all the Branjie business."

Gigi nervously giggled, struggling with how to play this joke off. Jaida could notice her reaction and loss for words, quickly stepping in to help.

"Ok now, Miss Vanjie. Just because you walked out of the werkroom with a piece doesn't mean everyone does," Jaida sarcastically quipped. She had successfully diverted the conversation away from any Crygi jokes, much to Gigi's appreciation. Just as quickly as the conversation had started, the other girls were off babbling and cracking up about something else. As they did, Gigi tapped Jaida's hand, subtly mouthing the words "Thank you."

"I got you," Jaida whispered back, a comforting smile crossing her face.

A few minutes later, Gigi concluded that enough time had passed for her to leave inconspicuously. Crystal had been gone for what felt like way too long now, although realistically it had only been half an hour or so. Gigi said her goodbyes, wrapping up one part of her night in anticipation for the next. 

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