Chapter 16 - Goodebye For Now

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After packing the car, Crystal and Gigi were off to the airport. With just a short amount of time left together, they reveled in each fleeting moment before they had to part. There was always this routine sadness of sorts as they prepared to say goodbye. One that they unwillingly had adapted to, but one that would hopefully change with their plans moving forward. For the time being they comfortably sat back in the car, listening along to Crystal's playlist:

"We're only getting older, baby

And I've been thinking about it lately

Does it ever drive you crazy

Just how fast the night changes?

Everything that you've ever dreamed of

Disappearing when you wake up

But there's nothing to be afraid of

Even when the night changes

It will never change me and you"

After a short drive they had arrived at the airport terminal. Pulling into the lot, Crystal put the car into park and looked quietly over at Gigi. Without a word, she stepped outside and slowly made her way to the trunk to retrieve Gigi's suitcase. Gigi quickly met her, staring wistfully at the ground as she thanked Crystal.

"All set?" Crystal asked gently as Gigi met her gaze.

"Ready as I'll ever be," replied Gigi, faking a weak half smile.

The two girls reluctantly made their way inside the terminal, lingering for a moment that felt like forever. If only it actually were forever and not just a few minutes.

" we are again...," Crystal exhaled, "...another goodbye."

"I'll see you soon. We'll see each other soon. I just...hate not knowing exactly when." Gigi's voice stuttered, her gaze falling pleadingly to the floor.

Crystal spotted the tears starting to well in Gigi's eyes; her heart lurched with emotion seeing Gigi this way. When that "soon" would be was impossible to tell. Each departure- especially with the uncertainty of when they'd be reunited- carried a certain weight that never got lighter. Crystal gently reached for Gigi's hands, tracing soothing circles across her fingers. A charmed smile emerged from Gigi's lips, the sweet comfort of their hand holding always casting a spell upon her. Regaining her composure, Crystal wiped away the tears that had quietly fell down her face.

"Just think, once this whole pandemic lightens up, we'll be back on the road again. Touring, performing, doing everything we've always dreamed of. And we'll always have each other, even if we're miles apart. I think we're officially experts at this whole long-distance thing." Gigi chuckled at Crystal's remark. "And once all that touring slows down for a bit, well...I'll see you in California. For more than just a weekend."

"What about Antarctica? Is that option still on the table?" Gigi perked up a bit after hearing Crystal's words.

"Sure- I mean, I've always wanted a pet penguin and a cute igloo apartment," Crystal joked right back, stroking the side of Gigi's cheek. She nearly toppled over as Gigi pulled her in close, locking their lips in a recklessly amorous kiss.

"Wow, who knew my corny sense of humor would be such a turn on," Crystal laughed, briefly pausing to catch her breath.

"What can I say, Miss Crystal Methyd, I don't know how to quit you." She paused for a moment, her fingers dancing freely up Crystal's chest. "Not that I ever want to learn how."

"Well, Miss Gigi Goode, you're the one tempting me now. If only we weren't at this stupid airport," Crystal snickered. "I hate to be the mood killer here but, I don't want you missing your flight."

Gigi rustled through her pocket to check the time on her phone. "Ughhhh," Gigi pouted as she buried her face into Crystal's shoulder. Crystal wrapped her arms around lovingly, taking in Gigi's blissful presence one more time.

"Facetime me once you get home. Maybe I'll have another surprise waiting," Crystal teased as she whispered in Gigi's ear. The biggest grin crossed Gigi's face as she leaned for one last kiss.

Grabbing her suitcase, Gigi slowly but surely made her way through the security line. Crystal stuck around for a little while longer, waiting until Gigi was no longer in sight.

So much had happened between the girls in just this weekend alone, adding yet another chapter in the story of their relationship. While it was impossible to predict exactly what lied ahead in their future, both Crystal and Gigi were more than excited to find out.  

(A/N: Song- "Night Changes," One Direction)

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