Chapter 5 - The Morning After

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Daydreaming about the night before, Gigi thoughts were interrupted only by the loud whir of an espresso machine. The aroma of coffee filled the air as she perused the hotel café's menu. She and Crystal had only checked into their room hours before, after returning from their little "adventure." Needless to say she hadn't gotten that much sleep. That, plus the fact that she was still running on California time, made caffeine somewhat of a necessity. As she waited in line, Gigi felt her phone buzz, the screen lighting up with a message from Jaida.

"Morning dolls. Brunch later before rehearsal?" read the group text. Jaida technically didn't know about the true extent of Crystal and Gigi's relationship. However since the very beginning, she definitely had her suspicions that something more was going on. Sure, she had jokingly called the two out on their flirty friendship before. But at the end of the day, she loved them both and went along with whatever Crygi clownery they were up to.

Gigi had to be a bit sneaky in her reply to Jaida. Responding only for herself and not for Crystal, as to not accidentally reveal that the two were together. This whole keeping a secret situation always kept them on their toes, even around their closest of friends.

"Count me in- can't wait to finally see you!" Gigi texted back just as the barista called her up to the counter. She distractedly placed her order, her attention now occupied elsewhere. Jaida was one of Crystal and Gigi's closest sisters. Someone that they loved and trusted; a friend who truly understood the crazy adventure they were all going through. When, if ever, would be the right time to share their news with her, or anyone really? What was holding them back? While both Crystal and Gigi had agreed months back to keep their relationship a secret, they had grown so much since then. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to not share their world with others.

"Two medium hot coffees, extra sugar" called out the barista, momentarily drawing Gigi out of her thoughts. She grabbed the two drinks- one for her, one for Crystal- before making her way back up to the room. Crystal was probably still fast asleep and unaware of Jaida's invite, Gigi guessed, buying her a bit of extra time to think.


Opening the door as softly as possible, Gigi spotted Crystal comfortably tucked away in bed. As she set the drinks down on the dresser, she could hear the muffled sound of stirring from behind her.

"Ooooh is that coffee I smell?" yawned Crystal as her arms stretched up from under the sheets.

"Morning, sleepyhead" Gigi smiled, glancing over her shoulder towards Crystal. "Figured we could both use some extra energy after last night."

"Ok now, Miss Gigi Bad," snickered Crystal. She propped herself up in bed as Gigi joined her, passing both a coffee and a kiss. "Thank you, love."

"Welcome, Crys," replied Gigi as she took a dip of her drink. A few quiet moments passed before Gigi brought up what was truly on her mind. "Jaida invited us to brunch later- she just sent the text out a little while ago. I didn't mention you you're aware...she doesn't know about us." Crystal's ears perked slightly. "Even though I knew you'd be down to go."

"Good thinking," Crystal paused. She didn't really know the right way to respond to Gigi. "I'll let Jaida know I'll be there." She reached for her phone, sending a quick text back to the chat. As she did, words seemed to get caught in Gigi's throat. She wanted to bring up her earlier thoughts from the café, but she was too nervous to do so. For some reason, this felt like much bigger of a step than it needed to be. Like once she opened the box, there was no going back to close it.

Crystal set her phone back down on the bed, turning to meet Gigi. She could sense that Gigi was holding something back. And she had a pretty good idea of what that was. But before she could say a word about it, Gigi interjected, swiftly changing the topic of discussion.

"So...I still can't believe we get to perform live tonight. Like it's been way overdue. I am just ready to get out there and actually see an audience again."

" know I love digital drag and all but..." Their conversation had turned to more enthusiastic, lighthearted chatter about the day ahead. Which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, Gigi thought. But those questions from earlier still lingered. She just needed to push herself to say them out loud.  

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