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"Get up, sleepyhead! You're going to be late!"

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"Get up, sleepyhead! You're going to be late!"

I awoke with a start. I opened my eyes. The girl with the curly brown hair was staring down at me. She was smiling brightly. Her brown eyes looked like pools of honey in the light.

"What time is it?" I moaned.

"We have class in half an hour," she said.

I sat up and smoothed down my hair. "I'm Evangeline, by the way, but you can call me Eva," I introduced, sticking out my hand.

My took it and shook it enthusiastically. "I'm Carmen Rankin."

I stood up and stretched my arms over my head. "Thanks for waking me up."

"No problem," she replied.

I noticed the girl with platinum blonde was sitting on a chair, putting on tons of eyeshadow.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

She looked up from her mirror. "Daphne Greengrass."

"That's a pretty name," I complimented. She didn't reply and instead went back to smearing on eyeshadow. Geez, not even a thank you?

"Come on, you have to get dressed," Carmen nudged me. "Or you'll be late."

I snapped back into reality. "Right." I opened my trunk and rifled through it. I got out another set of robes and put them on.

"What class do you have first?" Carmen asked me.

"Um, Potions, I'm pretty sure," I replied.

"Great!" she exclaimed. "Me and Daphne have that too. Apparently we have a new potions teacher."

"Oh," I said. "Did the old one leave?"

"No," Daphne replied. "Professor Snape used to teach potions, but he transferred to Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"I hope he gives us as many house points as Snape did," Carmen breathed.

* * *

We didn't have to walk that far to get to the Potions classroom. It was also in the dungeons. When we entered, I sat at a table with Carmen. Daphne, Pansy, and the girl with black hair, who's name was Millicent Bulstrode, were sitting at a table together. Draco and Blaise came in and joined us at the table.

"Do you know who this guy is, Slughorn?" Blaise asked Draco.

"No idea," he replied, sounding bored. "He'd better be good, or I'll tell my father."

A short, fat man who was balding emerged into the classroom with a wide smile on his face. He clasped his hands together. "Everyone please take your scales, potion kits, and your copies of Advanced Potion-Making."

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