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When we entered Snape's office, it was pitch black

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When we entered Snape's office, it was pitch black. I could hardly even see Ginny standing next to me.

"Lumos," I mumbled.

A ball of light emerged from the tip of my wand, illuminating the room. I immediately spotted the sword, which was still on the wall in a glass case.

"You guys are stealing the sword, I presume?" Draco muttered, his eyes locking on the case.

"Yep," I replied in a whisper," That's the plan."

I hesitantly approached the case and peered at it. The glass appeared to be completely closed shut. There wasn't even a latch to open it.

"We have to break it," I whispered. "There's no way to open it."

"That'll make a lot of noise," Ginny hissed. "We've got to be fast."

"All right," I said. "Stand back." Everyone backed away to avoid getting hit with glass. I raised my wand and pointed it directly at the glass case. "Finestra!"

A blue light shot out of my wand and hit the glass. It immediately shattered and scattered all over the floor. The sword fell out of the case and clattered onto the floor with a large thud.

"Hurry!" I hissed.

Neville lunged forward and scooped up the sword, a few glass shards cutting him. "Let's get out of here."

I tucked my wand back into my pocket and we all hurried over to the staircase to begin our descent. Neville went first, as he was carrying the sword. Ginny, Luna, and I followed him. Draco was the last.

When we were halfway down the spiral staircase, I suddenly heard a large clang as the sword fell done the staircase.

"Neville," I began, "For Merlin's sake—"

I immediately stopped when I saw who was standing at the bottom of the staircase. It was Snape, dressed in his usual attire of all black. He had an even more furious expression on his face than he usually did. He was holding his wand, which had a ball of light coming out of it.

"And what, may I ask," Snape drawled, "do you think you are doing?"

We all stood there, staring down at him, as if frozen in place. My mouth was hanging agape. I couldn't believe that we had been caught. It had seemed like such a good plan.

"Get down here this instant!" Snape bellowed.

We all scrambled down the staircase and into the corridor. The sword of Gryffindor was lying at the foot of the stairs.

Snape seethed at us. He bent down and picked up the sword. "Stealing my possessions?"

"It's not your possession!" Ginny exclaimed. "That sword belongs to Harry."

Snape stared at her. "You stupid girl. This sword does not belong to Potter."

"Dumbledore left it to him!" Neville added. "It's rightfully his."

"It does not belong to him!" Snape snapped. Suddenly, he looked up, spotting Draco and I, as if he had not seen us before. "What are you two doing here? I wouldn't expect Slytherins to get involved in such nonsense. Especially you, Draco."

In the dim light from Snape's wand, I could see Draco's pale cheeks flush. He stuttered, but nothing coherent came out of his mouth.

"I assume that you two were not trying to help these fools, and that you were trying to stop them?" Snape asked.

Draco stood there, not saying anything.I thought for a moment. Even if Draco wanted to, I couldn't just let Ginny, Neville, and Luna take the fall for us.

I shook my head. "No, sir, we were involved too."

"That is very disappointing," he drawled. He turned to look at Ginny, Neville, and Luna. "Weasley, Longbottom, Lovegood, twenty points from Gryffindor and ten from Ravenclaw. Also, detention in the Forbidden Forest with Professor Hagrid tomorrow night."

Ginny crossed her arms over her chest, but didn't protest. I was surprised, usually she was feisty. She didn't take things like detentions very well. She held her head high, her flaming ginger hair falling down her back.

"What about me and Draco?" I asked.

"Go back to the common room," Snape said.

"But, don't we get detention too?"

"Don't question me," he bellowed. "Do you want detention? No! So, go back to the common room before I change my mind!"

"Yes, sir," I muttered.

I watched Draco stalk off down the hall. I took one last look at Ginny, Neville, and Luna before I followed him.

"Slow down," I hissed, trying to catch up with him.

"Sorry, I have long legs," he muttered, slowing down so that I could walk with him.

I shook my head. "I can't believe Snape didn't give us detention, or take off any points—"

"He could have done worse!" Draco exclaimed angrily. "He could have handed us over to the Carrows. It's a miracle that he handed them over to Hagrid instead."

"Why are you so upset?" I spat. "We got off."

"I told you that you shouldn't act up, and look what happened. We got caught," he said.

"Yes, but we didn't even get punished," I said. "And you didn't have to join. That was your choice."

"One day," he hissed as we began to go down the staircase that led to the dungeons. "Your carelessness will catch up to you, Evangeline."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I told you before! You're going to end up getting hurt! Why won't you listen to me—"

"We keep having this same fight, over and over again!" I half-whispered, half-yelled. "Can't you just stay out of my business?"

"I don't want you to get hurt," he said. "Please— just don't act out again."

"You're insufferable!" I exclaimed. "Absolutely insuffera—"

I stopped abruptly when Draco grabbed me by the waist and gently pushed me against a wall. "Listen to me," he said firmly.


He put his finger to my lips to silence me. "I just want to protect you," he breathed. "Please just listen to me."

I let out a sharp breath. I seemed to be melting under his touch. "Fine," I muttered. "I won't act out again."

"Good," he whispered.

I looked into his pale grey eyes. Time seemed to slow down in that moment. It was just us together.

He leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine roughly. I kissed him back, moving my body even closer to his. My back scraped against the hard, cold wall of the dungeons, but I didn't care.

Nothing seemed to matter in that moment.

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