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The next few days, my head couldn't stop spinning with thoughts

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The next few days, my head couldn't stop spinning with thoughts. How could Draco be a Death Eater? Death Eaters kill people. Death Eaters killed my mother. I knew that Draco Malfoy was a prat, but I never thought that he was a killer. I avoided Draco as much as possible.

On Wednesday, when I walked into Potions class, a large cauldron was placed in the center table. Professor Slughorn has a grin on his face. "Over here, students," he beckoned.

When I walked closer to the potion, I recognized from my very first Potions class at Hogwarts. It was Amortentia, a love potion. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco slump in. His grey eyes seemed to be glazed over, as if he was lost in thought.

Slughorn clapped his hands together. "We briefly looked at Amortentia already," he said. "But today we are actually going to be brewing it."

"But, sir," I chimed, raising my hand. "Isn't Amortentia very dangerous?"

He nodded. "Yes, so you won't be keeping the potions you brew."

Pansy Parkinson gave a soft groan from behind me. My cheeks suddenly fumed with rage. Had she been planning to use it on Draco? The thought disgusted me.

"Now," began Professor Slughorn, "Amortentia is a very advanced potion, so I don't expect all of you to be capable of brewing it." He cleared his throat. "Amortentia smells different to everyone. It smells like the things you find most attractive, or the things you most desire. It could smell like your favorite sweet, your favorite pastime, or even your loved ones."

I sniffed, but I couldn't exactly pick up on the smell from where I was standing.

Slughorn looked at me and gestured for me to come. "Smell it, Miss Hastings."

I flushed and stepped forward. I leaned over the cauldron and used my hand to waft the scent. "It smells like... my mother's blueberry pie." A wave of sadness suddenly hit me, but I shoved it away. I couldn't cry in the middle of class. "And old books, and... apples... green apples." I furrowed my eyebrows. I couldn't even remember the last time I had eaten an apple, and when I did, I usually preferred the red ones.

I took a step back from the cauldron and realized that Draco was staring at me, looking shocked. I gave him a look that said, What? He immediately flicked his eyes away from mine and down at the ground. I frowned and turned back to Professor Slughorn.

"Very good, very good," Professor Slughorn said. "Now, get out your potions books and turn to page 394. Start brewing!"

I went over to my table, which was shared with Carmen, Blaise, and Draco. I hardly spoke to Carmen anymore, as Potions was one of the only classes that we had together. I flipped my potions book open and started to brew the Amortentia.

"So," said Blaise, "one of the things that's most attracts you is old books? How old are you, ninety?"

I glared at him. "I like reading, is that strange?"

"Reading is overrated," he snapped and dropped an ingredient into his cauldron.

"I like reading," Carmen said in a sad voice. Her curly hair was down today, and it was so long that it was nearly touching her cauldron.

Blaise glanced at her, and I noticed his face softened slightly. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he ignored me. "I don't understand why Slughorn won't let us take these with us."

"Because," I said indignantly, "It's wrong to use a love potion on someone."

"Not really," Blaise muttered.

"Wouldn't you rather have someone fall in love with you for who you really are?" I asked. "Rather than drugging them up and forcing them to become obsessed with you against their will?"

Draco glanced at me. "She's right, you know."

I looked at him. "Thanks," I muttered.

He didn't reply, but instead went back to brewing his potion.

Blaise huffed. "I don't need a love potion anyway. I can get any girl I want by myself."

I snorted. "I wouldn't go out with you."

He glared at me. "Well, any other girl besides you."

"And me," Carmen piped.

He suddenly looked very angry. "Come on, Carmen. You'd go out with me."

"No, I wouldn't," she said with a smile. "You're a bit too aggressive for my taste."

His face softened again. "I'm not aggressive."

"So," I said, trying to change the subject. "What my point was is that using a love potion is wrong, and I'm glad that Slughorn isn't letting us take them."

"Okay," said Blaise, "but did we ask for your opinion? No."

"Stop being a dick, Zabini," snapped Draco. "I'm interested in what she has to say."

"Well just because you fancy her or something—"

Draco gave Blaise a death glare and he immediately stopped talking.

I looked between them. "What do you mean, because he fancies me?"

"Nothing," Draco said. "He meant nothing. Just ignore him."

I had a feeling that it wasn't just nothing. I gave my potion I final stir with my wand. "Professor," I piped up. "I'm finished!"

Professor Slughorn strode over to our table. "Yes, very well." He took a look inside my cauldron. "This is excellent for a sixth year student," he said proudly. "This is the best one I've seen all day."

I beamed at him. "Thank you, sir!"

Slughorn smiled back at me. "I have this club, the Slug Club. It consists of some of the most promising students. I'd like you to join us."

"Really?" I said enthusiastically. "That would be an honor, sir."

"We are having a Christmas Party on December 20th," he said genially. "You're invited, and you may bring a plus one."

"Thank you, sir!"

He picked up my cauldron. "I'll take this." I watched him walk away, a stupid smile still plastered upon my face.

"Slug Club," Blaise muttered. "What a pathetic—"

"Shut up, Blaise," I said. "I'm sure the Slug Club is not pathetic."

"Yeah, right..."

"Congratulations, Hastings," Draco said.

I looked at him with a surprised expression on my face. Why was he congratulating me? Now that I thought about it, he had been awfully nice to me lately...

"Thanks, Malfoy," was all I said in response.

I bent over to pick up my potions book, which was by  Draco. When I got close to him, my nose picked up a scent. Green apples...

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