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Pansy Parkinson cornered me in the hall after Potions class

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Pansy Parkinson cornered me in the hall after Potions class. Her face, which was oddly pug-like, was fixed into a nasty sneer. She was gripping her potions book so tight that her knuckles had turned white.

I looked at her. "Do you need something?" I asked.

"I saw you talking to Draco during Potions. Why were you talking to him so much?" she pressed.

I raised my eyebrow. "We were just having a conversation, like normal people do during class."

She glared at me. "Stay away from Draco, new girl, or I'll make your life a living hell."

I fought the urge to laugh. Was she seriously threatening me over a conversation with a fellow classmate?

"Look," I said. "You're not my mother, Pansy, so I'm pretty sure I can talk to Draco whenever I want."

"Excuse me, so don't think you should be talking to me like that. Remember, I'm your prefect," she said.

"So?" I said. "Why does that matter?"

"You should respect me, I'm your prefect," she said.

"Being a prefect doesn't make you better than anyone else, Pansy. You just seem to have a raging superiority complex," I snapped.

Pansy looked at me as if at any moment, she would pull out her wand and hex the oblivion out of me, so I ducked past her and speed-walked away. Pansy was just like the girls at Beauxbatons. I already couldn't stand her toxicity, and I've only her for a day.

* * *

After only a day of lessons, I had already managed to acquire copious amounts of work. I decided to go down to the library in hopes of a quiet place to work. It took me nearly twenty minutes to find the library, as I kept getting lost. Hogwarts was unnecessarily huge school. When I finally found it, I plopped down into a chair and got out a parchment and quill.

After ten minutes of working, I heard footsteps coming towards me and a small gasp. "Oh, Evangeline, I didn't see you there."

I looked up. It was Hermione Granger, one of the girls that was in my compartment in the train. "Hey, Hermione," I said.

She pulled out a chair and sat beside me. "Hey. I saw you got into Slytherin."

I laughed softly. "Yeah, I really don't know how that happened..."

Hermione tucked a strand of her bushy brown hair behind her ear. "I really thought you'd be a Gryffindor, or at least a Hufflepuff..." She looked at me solemnly. "So, how is it, you know, in Slytherin?"

"Honestly, I hate it," I replied.

She titled her head to the side. "I'd figured you'd say that. Is it really that bad?"

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