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I didn't see Draco until the next day at breakfast. I got an alright nights sleep in the guest bedroom. I couldn't really sleep because the mark on my arm burned so much. I had scratched it so much in my sleep that it was peeling and starting to blister.

I went downstairs the next morning and discovered that a house elf had whipped up some food. Narcissa and Lucius had already started eating, and were talking quietly amongst themselves. Draco wasn't there yet. I sat down at the end of the table.

"Oh, good morning, dear, come eat something," Narcissa said kindly, reaching out to hand me a plate of toast.

"Thank you," I muttered, taking it from her.

"We heard that you have joined the Dark Lord," Lucius announced. "Congratulations, you're more useful than I thought you would be."

I shot him a dirty look before shoving a piece of toast in my mouth. "Where's Draco?" I asked.

"He's probably still sleeping," Narcissa replied, sipping a glass of orange juice.

There were footsteps from the hallway and Draco walked into the room. He definitely didn't look like he had been sleeping as there were large bags under his eyes.

"Good morning," Narcissa called genially.

"Morning," he grunted, sinking into a chair.

"How did you sleep, dear?" Narcissa asked.

"Fine," Draco muttered in reply.

She frowned like she didn't believe him but didn't press the issue any further. She cleared her throat. "There's a meeting tonight, at our house."

Draco looked up at her, surprised. "Another one? But Mum—"

"I'm sorry, Draco, but it has to be here," she said.

"What's happening?" I asked, leaning in.

Narcissa glanced at me. "There's a Death Eater meeting."

I dropped my toast. "Death Eaters have meetings?"

"Of course they have meetings," Lucius drawled. "How else would they discuss their plans? It's tonight, you two are expected to attend."

"Not all of it," Narcissa said. "I don't want them to hear everything."

"Narcissa, they're adults—"

Narcissa held her hand up to silence her husband. "No, Lucius, they're too young. Yes, they're technically adults, but they're still just kids to me, alright?"

Lucius sighed. "Fine, whatever you want."

* * *

When night finally came, I got dressed in my room. A simple black dress, long sleeves that went down to my knees. Draco and I apparently had to dress up from the meeting, even though we would hardly be attending.

I started to walk down the stairs, clutching the railing. People— mostly men— were beginning to arrive at the house. These were Death Eaters. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. These were all people who had surely done bad things—very bad things, including possible murder.

There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned my head around. Draco was standing behind me, wearing a black suit. "Yes?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest. I was still upset at him for what had happened yesterday.

"I need to talk to you," he muttered. "When we get a chance."

"Fine," I replied. "Should we head down?"

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