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As Luna, Dean, Ollivander, and Dobby disappeared with a loud crack, there was a shout from Lucius Malfoy upstairs. "What was that? Did you hear that? What was that noise in the cellar?"

Ron, Harry, and I stared at each other, our eyes wide.

"Draco--" Lucius called. "--no, call Wormtail! Make him go and check!"

"Shit," I muttered under my breath as footsteps echoed from upstairs. "What are we going to do when he comes down here and sees that three of us are missing?

"We're going to have to try and tackle him," Harry said in a low voice.

There were grunts and more footsteps and then a voice squeaked, "Stand back!" The cellar door swung open and a man emerged. He was unlike any man I had ever seen before. He looked almost rat-like. He was fat with large bucked teeth. His robes were covered in dirt.

I only got a glimpse of him though, as Harry and Ron immediately ran forward and tackled the man. Ron grabbed his wand and ripped it out of his hand. The man's hand--no, it was a fake hand, a silver fake hand--grasped Harry by the throat.

"What is it, Wormtail?" Lucius called from above.

"Nothing!" Ron called, trying to imitate the man's squeaky voice. "Everything's fine!"

Harry let out a choking sound as Wormtail's fake hand closed deeper into his throat. "You're going to kill me?" he choked out. "After I saved your life? You owe me, Wormtail!"

He obviously knew this man, but I wasn't sure from where.

Suddenly, Wormtail's fingers unclenched from Harry's throat and shot toward his own neck. His hand closed around his own throat and he let out a loud choking sound. His own hand had somehow turned on him.

"No--" he gasped.

Harry lunged forward and desperately tried to get Wormtail's hand off of his neck. He tugged, but nothing happened.

"Why are you helping him?" I exclaimed. "Just let it choke him!"

"Are you kidding me?" Harry said. "We can't just let him die!"

"He's a Death Eater!"

Ron was now trying to help Harry get the hand off of Wormtail's neck. I stood there, watching them attempting. I didn't understand why they didn't just let him die. He would have killed us too if he had gotten the chance.

Hermione let out another terrible scream from upstairs. At the same time, Wormtail stopped gasping for air, and he fell to the floor. He was dead.

Harry and Ron stood there staring at each other, their mouths agape. I pushed past them, stepping over Wormtail's dead body. "Come on!" I hissed.

Harry and Ron followed me up the stairs and to the door of the drawing room, which was open ajar. Inside, Bellatrix was leaning down, talking to Griphook.

"Well?" she sneered. "Is it the true sword?"

"No, it is a fake," Griphook said.

Bellatrix narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you sure? Quite sure?"


A look of relief spread across Bellatrix's face. She pointed her wand at Griphook and a long slash appeared across his face. He let out a scream and fell to the floor. Bellatrix kicked him and said, "And now, we call the Dark Lord!" She pulled back the sleeve of her robes to reveal her Dark Mark, which she pressed a finger to.

Harry suddenly doubled over, clutching his forehead.

My eyes widened and I looked over at Ron. "What's wrong with him?"

"Don't worry," Ron said. "That happens sometimes."

Bellatrix's voice rang through the drawing room. "And now I think we can dispose of the Mudblood. Greyback, you can take her if you wish."

Ron jumped up and ran into the drawing room. "NOOOOO!"

Harry and I ran after Ron as he yelled, "Expelliarmus!" with Wormtail's wand. The spell hit Bellatrix and her wand flew out of her hand. Harry caught it. "Stupefy!" Harry yelled. There were more flashes of light as spells shot across the room. I yelped and dodged, not being able to fight as I didn't have a wand.

My eyes flicked over and met with Draco, who was standing with his parents, pointing his wand at Harry and Ron. The thing that surprised me was that he wasn't using any spells. He was simply pointing his wand at them.

"STOP OR SHE DIES!" Bellatrix screamed.

We all spun around. Bellatrix was holding an unconscious Hermione with a knife to her throat.

"Drop your wands, or we'll see exactly how filthy her blood is!"

There was a clatter as Harry and Ron dropped their wands onto the floor.

"Good! Draco, pick them up! The Dark Lord is coming, Harry Potter! Your death approaches!" Bellatrix shouted.

Draco rushed forward and snatched the wands up off of the floor before going to stand back with his mother.

"Thank you, Draco," Bellatrix said. "Now, Cissy, I think we ought to tie these little heroes up again. Greyback can take the Mudblood. Do whatever you want with her."

Suddenly, there was a squeaking noise from the ceiling. I looked up, saw the chandelier shake, and then it fell to the ground. Bellatrix let out a loud shriek and threw Hermione onto the floor. The chandelier fell onto Hermione and Griphook.

Shards of glass flew across the room. One flew at me and cut through my cheek, right by my eye. I yelped and grabbed my face, trying to stop the bleeding. My vision was clouded with blood. I looked over and saw with my other eye that a few shards had cut Draco's face, and he had doubled over, clutching his face in agony.

Ron lunged forward and pulled an unconscious Hermione away from the wreckage. Harry ran toward Draco, who was still clutching his face, and wrangled the three wands from his grip.

Narcissa grabbed Draco and pulled him away from the wreckage. She was now pointing her wand at the door, where Dobby had just emerged from.

"Dobby!" she shrieked. "You! You dropped the chandelier--"

"You must not hurt Harry Potter and his friends!" Dobby exclaimed.

"Kill him, Cissy!" Bellatrix screamed.

Dobby snapped his fingers and Narcissa's wand flew out of her hand.

"You dirty little monkey!" Bellatrix shrieked. "How dare you take a witches wand? How dare you defy your masters?"

"Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

"Ron, Evangeline, go!" Harry shouted. He reached forward and grabbed Griphook and pulled him over to Dobby.

I could hardly see anything now. My right eye was clouded with blood and my left with tears. I lunged forward toward them.

A hand reached out from behind me and grabbed my shirt. I shrieked as I saw Bellatrix's curly hair fly past me. She kept a firm grip on me. She arched her arm back and threw her knife at Dobby.

"Evangeline!" Harry yelled, but he had already grabbed Dobby's hand and they were Disapparating.

I screamed as the knife disappeared with them.

They were gone.

And I was still here.

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