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"Ah, here she is," Voldemort said.

I stepped into the room, my mouth pressed shut.

Voldemort was a horrific looking man. Well, if you could even call him a man, he hardly looked human. He resembled hybrid of a human and a grey snake. He had no nose, just two slits for nostrils. He had small red eyes.

"I'd like to speak to her alone," Voldemort drawled.

"Alone?" Draco said, his voice turning panicky.

"Yes, Draco, alone. So all of you, get out," he snapped.

Lucius stood up and strode out of the room. Narcissa also stood up and looked at me before leaving. Draco stood in the doorway, his fists clenched.

"Come on, Draco," Lucius called from the hall.

"What are you going to do to her?" Draco inquired.

"I told you," Voldemort sneered. "I'm just going to talk to her. Now get out."

Draco stared at him, his nostrils flared, and then stepped out of the room. Voldemort waved his long fingers and the door slammed shut.

"Come sit down," Voldemort said coldly.

I noticed that my whole body was shaking with fear. I sucked in a breath and sat down in an armchair across from Voldemort.

"Remind me of your name again, girl," he said.

"Evangeline," I replied, my voice shaking. "Evangeline Hastings."

"What a... beautiful name," he said.

"What do you want from me?" I said quickly.

Voldemort scowled at me. "You don't want to speak to me like that, girl. I am the Dark Lord."

"Sorry," I mumbled, biting my tongue back.

He reached down and stroked Nagini. "How old are you?"


"Hogwarts house?"

"Slytherin," I replied.

He nodded. "You're in the best house. That's good, very good. What's your blood status?"

"I'm a Half-Blood. Dad is Pureblood, Mum was a Muggleborn."

"A Half-Blood is acceptable. I would prefer a Pureblood, but a Half-Blood is fine," he drawled.

"Why are you asking me all of these questions?" I asked.

He ignored me. "I have been told that you are loyal," he said. "I like loyalty. It's a good trait to have in a follower."

I gulped but stayed quiet.

"I think you'd make a good Death Eater, Evangeline," he said

My eyes widened. "W-what? A Death Eater?"

"Think about it," he said. "You can fight with us, and when we win the war, you'll be very powerful. Don't you want to be powerful, Evangeline?"

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