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When we arrived at Hogwarts, I went to stand with the first years to get sorted

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When we arrived at Hogwarts, I went to stand with the first years to get sorted. News had already gotten around that I was a new student, and people were staring at me curiously. The other students were already taking their seats at the tables. There were four, one for each house.

The sorting began, and a middle aged woman with a tight bun and glasses who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall called the first years to get sorted.

"Allen, Damien," was the first name to be called. He was a short boy with pale skin and light brown hair. Professor McGonagall placed an old brown hat on his head. To my surprise, it's creases turned into a face, and it shouted in a deep voice, "RAVENCLAW!"

Everyone cheered, especially the table dressed in blue. Ravenclaw looked like a nice house. I saw the blonde girl from the train, Luna Lovegood, was sitting at the Ravenclaw table.

I watched as more people were sorted. Benjamin, Olivia was the first new Gryffindor, and Eckert, Danica was the first Hufflepuff. Hutchinson, Frederick was the first Slytherin. He sneered evilly as he sauntered over to the Slytherin table. They seemed like a mean lot. I noticed the boy with pale blonde hair whose mom had helped me get on the train, was sitting at the table. I think his name was Draco? He had his elbow propped up on the table and was holding his chin in it. He looked... sad.

"Hastings, Evangeline." I snapped my head up in Professor McGonagall's direction. I pushed through the bunch of eleven year olds and went up to the stool. I took a seat and Professor McGonagall placed it on my head.

I almost jumped as a voice appeared in my head. It was the hat. 'Well, well, well, what do we have here?' the hat said in my head.

What do you mean? I thought.

'I see you're a transfer student from Beauxbatons,' the hat said

Yes, I thought, I am. Could you please put me in Gryffindor?

'You're definitely not a Gryffindor...'

My heart sunk. I pushed past my feelings and thought, okay, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw would be nice too!

But instead of that, the hat shouted, "SLYTHERIN!"

My eyes widened. Slytherin? I couldn't be a Slytherin. It wasn't possible. I slowly stood up and walked over to the Slytherin table. I found an empty seat by the pale blonde boy. He glanced at me, but didn't say anything.

The sorting finished, and the Headmaster, Dumbledore, made a speech about staying together during these tough times. I didn't hear every word of it, I was too focused on my nagging hunger. My stomach rumbled and I clutched it in embarrassment. My nerves weren't helping my stomach either. A girl with short black hair and a face that looked like a pug glared at me. She had a pin with a P on it.

Dumbledore said something and food appeared on the table. My mouth watered. There was everything. Chicken, vegetables, pies. I served myself.

"Are you new?" drawled the pug-faced girl. She was still scowling at me.

I smiled at her. Even though she was being unusually rude to me, I decided to treat her with kindness, because that's the least that I could do. "Yeah, I'm Evangeline. I just transferred here from Beauxbatons."

She softened slightly. She was actually kind of pretty when she wasn't scowling. "I'm Pansy Parkinson."

"Nice to meet you," I said. I turned to the boy next to me. "You're Draco, right?"

He looked at me. "How do you know that?" he inquired. I noticed he had the same P pinned to his robes.

Pansy cleared her throat. "Yeah, how do you know that?"

I glared at her. She was starting to really annoy me. "Relax, I just heard his mum call him that," I replied.

"Where were you talking to his mum?" Pansy snarled enviously.

"Shut up, Pansy," Draco said in a demanding tone. I glanced at him. He looked very angry. Good to know I wasn't the only one who hated Pansy.

Pansy obliged, and went back to eating her food. She liked him, I could tell, and she obviously didn't want to do anything to piss him off.

A boy with dark skin and curly black hair who has sitting next to Pansy smiled at me. "I'm Blaise Zabini."

"Nice to meet you, Blaise," I said as I sucked on a chicken leg.

Pansy was still looking at me in disgust. I finally faced her. "What's your problem?" I spat.

"What's your blood status?" she questioned.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "And why exactly does that matter?"

"Of course it matters!" she exclaimed. "You're in Slytherin, for god sakes!"

"I'm a half blood," I answered hesitantly. "My dad is a wizard and my mom was a witch." I purposefully left the part out that she was a muggleborn, because I'm sure they weren't going to like it.

"Was?" Blaise said. "Did she die or something?"

"Yeah, a few months ago," I replied. This conversation was starting to make me very uncomfortable. "But the point is, I'm a half blood."

Pansy didn't seem completely satisfied with my answer, but she didn't push it. "Well, you're not a pure blood, but at least your not a mudblood."

I stared at her. "I believe muggleborn is the correct term," I corrected.

I knew I upset her again. She scowled at me. God, could she stop doing that? She opened her mouth to argue, but Draco interrupted. "Come on, Pansy, we have to lead the first years to the common room."

She turned to him and put on a fake smile. "Yes, of course." She stood up and took his arm. I rolled my eyes as they walked away. I got up too. I suppose I also had to follow them, since I had no idea where the common room was.

They led us down to the basement, although it was more like a dungeon. It was very creepy, and I didn't look forward to having to walk through here every day.

They stopped at a certain point. Draco pressed one of the bricks on the wall. "Potions," he muttered. This triggered the wall and the bricks folded in on themselves, creating a doorway. I followed them into the common room.

I gasped along with the first years. It was more beautiful then I thought it would be. It had old furniture with green accent pillows and blankets. There was a fireplace crackling in the center. There were windows. I stared out of them. We must have been under the lake, because I could see fish swimming by. There were two staircases that went down. The girls and boys dormitories.

"Alright, go to bed!" Pansy shrieked.

I headed up to the girls dormitories with the rest of the Slytherin girls. I went into the sixth year room. There were 3 other girls. One had mid-length black hair and menacing face. The other had platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. The last one had caramel colored skin and curly brown hair that was pulled up into a messy ponytail.

It was late, so I didn't bother to introduce myself to them. I set my trunk down and I collapsed into my bed. I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

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