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We Apparated and landed on a long driveway. I jerked my head up, still in the tight grip of the Death Eater, and saw a wrought-iron gate in front of a large black manor. It looked like something out of a horror movie.

"Come on," the Death Eater grunted, pulling me forward. Luna and the other Death Eater were behind us. I had never seen Luna look more scared.

The Death Eater holding me stopped when we reached the gate and called up, "We've captured them!"

There was a loud screech as the gates swung open. Lucius Malfoy was standing behind them. I sucked in a sharp breath. Why was Draco's father here? Could this be his house?

"Good, bring them in," Lucius drawled. He looked a lot worse than the last time that I had seen him. His long white-blonde hair, the same color as Draco's, was shaggy and knotted. There was prickles of stubble on his chin. He had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep.

Lucius stood and watched as the Death Eaters pulled me and Luna through the gates and into the manor. The gates closed behind us and Lucius followed us inside.

We emerged into a large room with a shimmering crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"Why are we here?" I spat at Lucius as he turned to face us.

Lucius narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't talk to me in that tone, girl."

I gulped. I knew that this was Draco's father, but he wasn't anything like Draco at all. He was purely cold.

There was a click of heels on the floor and the door of the room opened. Two woman stepped in. One was Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy. She looked almost as bad as her husband, but she still had a sort of glowing beauty. This must be Draco's house. The second woman I instantly recognized, and my insides boiled with anger. It was Bellatrix Lestrange. Her black curly hair was wildly splayed around her face and she still had the same malicious look on her face.

Narcissa looked over at us and her eyes widened. Her eyes... they were exactly like Draco's. "What is going on, Lucius?" she hissed. "What is the meaning of this?"

Bellatrix let out a dark laugh. "You didn't tell her, Lucius?"

"Tell me what?" Narcissa asked. "Why are there two teenage girls in my drawing room?"

"We're going to be keeping them here," Lucius explained darkly.

"Why?" I asked, my voice dry.

"Quiet, girl!" Bellatrix exclaimed loudly.

"I don't understand why we're here," Luna finally said, her usually dreamy voice faltering.

Bellatrix looked at her. "Well, you're Xenophilius' daughter, aren't you?"

Luna nodded. "Yes, he's my father."

Bellatrix gave her a nasty grin. "He's been publishing some interesting stuff in his newspaper. The Quibbler, isn't it? Well you see, we've made a deal with him."

"What deal?" Luna asked in a small voice.

"If he stops writing those things in the paper, we'll give him his daughter back," Bellatrix sneered. She looked over at me. "And you, we've heard information that suggests that you know where Harry Potter and his little friends are."

I stared at her with a smoldering look in my eyes. "And what makes you think I know that?"

Lucius cleared his throat. "Gregory Goyle."

I snapped my head over to him. "Goyle? Why does he have anything to do with this?"

"He told his father that he overheard you talking about Harry," he replied coldly.

I thought back to the common room. Crabbe and Goyle had been sitting near us, but I didn't think that they had overheard me talking.

"That's the only reason?" I inquired. "That's why you kidnapped me and brought you here."

"That's not the only reason," Bellatrix said. "We've also made a deal with your father."

"What sort of deal could you have possibly make with my father?" I asked, shaking my head in disbelief.

"You're father's in the Order of the Phoenix," Bellatrix said.

I looked at her, confused. "The Order of the Phoenix? What's that?"

Bellatrix let out a small chuckle. "You don't even know? He never told you?"

I shook my head. "What is that— I don't—"

"The Order of the Phoenix is a rebel group that goes against the Dark Lord," Bellatrix explained. "And since Goyle has shared with us this information about you, we have decided to make a deal with your father as well. If he ever wants to see his precious daughter again, he'll leak their plans."

My brain tried to process the fact that my dad was in some sort of undercover rebel group and hadn't told me about it. I stared up at Bellatrix. "He won't tell you anything," I spat.

Bellatrix grinned. She leaned down and put her face so close to me, I could smell her awful breath. It smelled as though she had not brushed her teeth in days. "After what I'm going to do to you, we'll see about that."

I grimaced. "You can't break me!" I said. "I will avenge my mother's death."

"Oh, right," Bellatrix said, her grin growing larger. "I almost forgot about that one time that I murdered your mother. That was quite fun."

I stared at her angrily, but I didn't dare make a move toward her, not with all of these Death Eaters around. If this was Draco's house, then he would be home soon. But would he even do anything about it? He hadn't tried to help me on the train, so why would he help me now?

"I don't want prisoners in my house, Lucius," Narcissa said. Her eyes were filled with worry.

"I'm sorry, Narcissa," he replied. "But they will have to stay here."

"This is my home," Narcissa said. "This is our home, Lucius, come on—"

"They will stay here, Cissy," Bellatrix said firmly. "Come on, take them to the dungeons."

The way they talked was almost as if they were friends, but I could feel a coldness between them.

"Bella—" Narcissa started.

"No, Cissy!" Bellatrix snapped. "They will stay here!"

Something in me told them that they were sisters. The way they acted toward each other, close but also far apart. They were also fighting like siblings.

"Now," Bellatrix said to the Death Eaters that we're holding us. "Take them to the dungeons!"

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