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I stood there in the moonlight, staring down at Dumbledore's body

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I stood there in the moonlight, staring down at Dumbledore's body. Harry was leaning over him, sobbing. I swallowed hard and looked away, fighting back tears. Students and teachers were starting to gather around, many of whom were crying.

"I can't believe it." I turned around. Carmen was standing there, her arms wrapped around her chest. Her curls were blowing in the wind. Tears were falling down her face. "Not Dumbledore," she muttered. "He can't die."

I turned away from her. I couldn't talk to her, not now. I was too vulnerable. I was afraid I would spill my secret.

I watched Ginny Weasley fight her way through the crowd and crouch down beside Harry. She put her arm around him and whispered something in his ear.

With Ginny's hand on his shoulder, Harry rose from the floor.

"Evangeline!" Ginny called.


"You need to come too," she said. "You were there when he died, weren't you? We need to go talk to the teachers."

I nodded and followed after them. Harry was leaning against Ginny as they walked. I felt slightly strange following them, like I didn't belong.

"We're going to the hospital wing," Ginny said.

"I'm fine," Harry replied. "I'm not hurt."

"It's McGonagall's orders. Everyone else is up there," Ginny said firmly.

"Ginny," Harry muttered, "who else is dead?"

"No one."

"But the Dark Mark—"

"Bill got hurt, but he's alive, don't worry," Ginny said.

"Who's Bill?" I finally spoke out.

"My brother," Ginny answered.

"You have another brother?" I asked, but then immediately bit my tongue. That seemed to be a bit of an insensitive thing to say at the moment.

Ginny glared at me. "I have six."

"Oh," I muttered. "Right."

"What happened to Bill?" Harry asked.

"Greyback attacked him," Ginny said, pain in her voice. "We don't know what's going to happen to him..."

My heart thumped in my chest. Ginny's brother got attacked by a werewolf...

We went up the the hospital wing. I opened the doors and followed Harry and Ginny inside. There were a bunch of people crowded around a bed.

I recognized Hermione, Ron, and Luna. There was also a scruffy looking man with light brown hair and an eccentric looking woman with bubblegum pink hair. On the bed, there was a ginger man with so many slashes on his face that he looked unrecognizable.

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