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When we got home from King's Cross Station, I went upstairs and put my trunk in my bedroom

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When we got home from King's Cross Station, I went upstairs and put my trunk in my bedroom. I didn't bother unpacking it since I would only be home for a week or two. It felt nice to be back in my own house and bedroom again. However, it just wasn't the same without my mum. It was dirtier, since she was the one that always kept it clean. It also seemed less... alive. It was dull when it was usually bright with her smile.

I fought back tears and went down the stairs. I went into the kitchen. My dad was standing in the kitchen, holding two cups of hot chocolate with a large grin on his face. "Just like old times," he said. "Hot chocolate with peppermint and plenty of marshmallows, of course."

I smiled and took one of the hot chocolates from him. It was warm in my hands and the smell of the chocolate made my mouth water. We both sat down at the kitchen counter and sipped our hot chocolate. I felt slightly sad. We used to do this same thing with my mum.

"Thanks, dad," I muttered.

He smiled. "You're welcome. How was school?" he asked.

"Good," I replied. "I like Hogwarts more than Beauxbatons."

"That's good," he said. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." He looked at me, a slightly sad expression on his face. "I know I said I didn't care that you're in Slytherin, sweetie, but I just don't understand how you were sorted into it. I mean, you don't have any of the qualities..."

I shrugged. "I'm pretty smart, intelligence is one of the traits. And I think I'm ambitious. And I can be cunning when I want to be."

"You're not cunning," my dad said. "You're so sweet. You are very smart, I thought you would be in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. But Slytherin—"

"Dad," I said exasperatedly. I was sick of him guilt tripping me for being in a Slytherin. It wasn't my fault that I was in Slytherin, "I'm fine in Slytherin."

He frowned. "And Everyone's treating you alright?"

"Yes," I responded. "I have friends. Me and this girl named Hermione hang out a lot."

"Do you have any Slytherin friends?" he asked.

I sighed. "There's this girl named Carmen. She's really the only nice one. And..." I hesitated. Should I tell my dad about Draco? No, that would be stupid. I saw how he reacted toward Lucius Malfoy.

He cocked his head to the side, waiting for me to finish my sentence. "And?"

I shook my head. "That's it." I put my head down. I couldn't tell my dad about Draco. If he was any other boy, I would, but Draco wasn't an ordinary boy.

"So you have two friends," he said with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Two's better than nothing right?" I said with a slight sigh. "I didn't have any at Beauxbatons."

"I suppose," he said quietly.

"Dad, please stop worrying about me so much, I'm fine," I pressed.

"I know, I just want to make sure you're doing all right, you know, ever since your mum died..."

I put a hand on his arm. "I'm fine, but are you all right? She was your wife, too, not just my mum."

He hesitated. "I'm fine, dear. It just hasn't been the same."

"I know." I took the last sip of my hot chocolate and then set the empty mug down on the table. "Thanks, dad. I'm going to go upstairs, okay?"

"See you later," he mumbled.

I pushed my chair under the table and went back upstairs to my bedroom. All of a sudden, I heard a hooting sound from outside. My mum's owl, Apollo, was flying toward the window. I quickly pulled open the window and the cold air hit my face. Apollo landed on the windowsill and hooted happily. He had a letter in his beak.

I held my hand out and took the letter from Apollo's mouth. I let him inside and shut the window behind him so that the cold air wouldn't sweep into the house. I plopped down on my bed and tore the letter open. I took out the piece of parchment that was inside and read:

Dear Evangeline & Richard Hastings,

I hope you are having a good holiday. We have been investigating your mother/wife, Winona Hastings, case for some time now. We already know that this murder was carried out by Death Eaters. We have found evidence to suggest that the main perpetrators in your mother's murder were Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. They have not been captured yet, as they are very notorious Death Eaters and are in hiding from the Ministry. When they have been captured, we promise to hold them accountable for their crimes and they will be punished. Have a good day and we are very sorry for your loss.

Pius Thicknesse
Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement

I stared at the letter. They had discovered who had killed my mum. It was Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange. I should've felt relieved, but I felt more angry. They were still out there going on with their lives, probably killing more people, while my mum doesn't get to live.

These are the kind of people that Draco had to be around. I shuddered at the thought of it.

I gripped the letter in my hand and ran down the stairs to give it to my dad.

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