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Draco had made a full recovery in the hospital wing

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Draco had made a full recovery in the hospital wing. Pansy hadn't listened to Draco, and had spread the news of Harry nearly killing him all around the school. By the next day, everyone knew about the fight in the bathroom. The Slytherins kept taunting Harry everywhere he went.

"I wish she didn't go blabbing off about everything," Draco moaned in Charms class the next day.

"Just ignore her," I told him. "Everyone will forget about it in a few days."

"I suppose," he muttered.

"Miss Hastings! Mr. Malfoy!" squeaked Professor Flitwick.

I snapped my head up toward him. Well, not up, as he was about three feet tall. "Yes, Professor?"

"Since you are talking during the lesson, why don't you come up and demonstrate the Reductor Curse," he said firmly.

I blushed. "Oh, um, of course, all right."

I stood up and took my wand out of my robes. There was a cauldron sitting in the center of the room.

"You remember the incantation, don't you?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Of course, sir," I said.

I braced myself and held out my wand toward the cauldron. "Reducto!"

Sparks shot out of my wand and the cauldron exploded into dust. The class gasped around me. I gasped along with them. I had never done that spell before.

"Well done, Miss Hastings," Professor Flitwick squeaked. "Ten points for Slytherin."

"Thank you, sir," I replied and returned to my seat, my face still flushed.

When the lesson was over, I walked out of the classroom, and Draco grabbed the back of my robes.

"What?" I hissed.

"I need to talk to you," he said firmly. He let go of my robes.

"About what?" I asked.

"Let's just go somewhere private," he said and grabbed my arm.

"Draco! What are you doing?"

He dragged me over to an empty supply closet. He swung open the door and shoved me inside. He stepped inside after me and shut the door behind us, which sent dust flying around the closet.

"What's going on?" I huffed, smoothing down my robes with my hands.

"Sorry," he panted. "I didn't know anywhere else I could be alone with you."

"Someone could walk in here at any moment," I said. "Wait." I whipped out my wand and muttered, "Muffliato. There, now no one will be able to hear us talking."

"Thanks," Draco said as I put my wand back into my pocket.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

I was suddenly aware of how close he was to me. Because of the small size of the closet, he was inches away from me. I suddenly realized how tall he was. I shifted uncomfortable, trying to put as much space between us as possible.

"They're coming," he said in a low voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who's coming?"

"The Death Eaters."

"What?" I exclaimed. "They're coming here?"

He nodded. "Tomorrow night. Death Eaters are coming here, to attack the school."

"What?" I repeated, grabbing his arm. "We have to tell someone— we have to tell Dumbledore!"

"No. Tomorrow night is the night that I'm going to kill Dumbledore," Draco stated.

I released his arm. "But— why are the Death Eaters coming? Can't you kill him without them here?"

"They have to make sure I get the job done," he said in a small voice. "I was supposed to kill him a long time ago." He swallowed. "I've apparently been taking too long. The school year's almost over. It's got to happen tomorrow night."

I suddenly realized that he was shaking. I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. "It's going to be okay," I whispered. "Everything's going to be okay."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and we held each other for a few minutes.

I pulled away from the embrace. "But... how are the Death Eaters getting here? You can't Apparate inside of Hogwarts."

He sighed and ruffled a hand through his pale blonde hair. "I've been repairing a Vanishing Cabinet."

"A Vanishing Cabinet?" I said, my eyebrows furrowed. "What's a Vanishing Cabinet?"

"It's a sort of passageway," he explained. "Two cabinets connect to each other. If you go inside one, you'll come out the other. There's one here, in Hogwarts, and another in Knockturn Alley, in a shop called Borgin and Burke's."

"So... they'll go inside the one in Borgin and Burke's, and come out of the one in Hogwarts," I said.

He nodded. "Exactly."

"Woah, that's... woah."

Draco stared right into my eyes. "You need to hide... you need to stay safe," he whispered.

"What about you?"

He grimaced. "I'll be fine."

"Are you sure you'll be able to kill Dumbledore? I mean it can't be easy, killing someone," I said.

"I'll be fine," he repeated. "Honestly."


Draco leaned forward and pressed his lips onto mine. I kissed back. He shoved me against the wall of the closet and tightened his grip around my waist. He kissed me harder. I suddenly forgot everything that we had previously been talking about. It was a moment of blissful oblivion.

He pulled away after a few minutes. Panting, he said, "I'll be fine, Evangeline."

"Okay," I breathed.

"Listen," he said, suddenly sounding very serious. "You can't tell anyone."

"But, we have to warn people—"

"No. We can't. I'm sure everyone will be fine, okay? Well, everyone except for Dumbledore."

"Right," I muttered. "I won't tell anyone. I promise."

"Good," he said. He pulled away from me and pulled open the door.

"Wait," I said before he was about to leave.

He turned back toward me. "Yeah?"

"Promise me you'll stay safe."

"I promise," he said, and strode off into the dark corridor.

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