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That evening, I made my way to Professor McGonagall's office for detention

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That evening, I made my way to Professor McGonagall's office for detention. I was always a well behaved student, and I had never received a detention, so I had no clue what was in store for me. When I pushed open the door, she was sitting at her desk, hastily grading papers. Draco hadn't arrived yet.

"Hello," I mumbled. "I'm here for detention."

She looked up and set her quill down. "Yes. Where is Mr. Malfoy?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Ma'am."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Surely you saw him coming. You're both in Slytherin."

"I didn't see him," I said quickly.

"Alright, well, we must wait for him," she said and gestured to a chair in front of her desk. "Please take a seat."

I sat down in the chair and looked at the door, bracing for the second that Draco would burst in.

"So, what are we doing for the detention?" I asked.

"I'll discuss it when Mr. Malfoy arrives," she replied in a stern tone.

"Right." I nodded curtly.

A few more long minutes past, yet Draco had still not arrived. I silently rapped my fingers against the side of the chair.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Draco stepped in, panting and sweating. "Sorry I'm late!"

Professor McGonagall looked at him furiously. "Late to detention, Mr. Malfoy. How ironic. Ten points from Slytherin." She looked at me. "At least Miss Hastings had the decency to arrive on time."

Draco glared at me as if I had insulted him. I gave him a look that read, What are you looking at?

"Sorry," he said. "Quidditch practice ran late."

"Well, sit down then."

Draco plopped down in the chair. "What are we doing? Let's just get this over with."

"The point of detention," Professor McGonagall said, "is to not 'get it over with.' It is to learn your lesson."

"Right," Draco muttered. "Sorry."

She cleared her throat and rose from her seat. "Follow me, you two." And she strode out of the room.

"Then what'd she make us sit down for..." Draco mumbled.

I smacked his shoulder. "Shut up," I hissed.

We followed Professor McGonagall into the library. She turned to us. "For your punishment, you will be sorting books into their rightful places. Many students have decided not to put their books back into the right places." She gestured to a pile of books.

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