|| Definitions ||

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So to begin shifting you need to learn the vocabulary that goes into and is definitely a big part of the process.

Basically I'm just going to give descriptions to some words you might want to know ;)

|| Dr - Desired reality ||

Your desired reality is a place that you can have anything you want. Another reality that is most definitely not impossible to get to. You can build this world up however you would like. The only limit is your imagination!

|| Wr - waiting room ||

The waiting room is where you can stop when you need a slight break from shifting. In future chapters I will explain methods to get to these reality's, but for the most part you can enter both by the same methods. The waiting room is simply whatever you want. You can use it to script ( explains soon lol ) or even use it to get out of your Cr ( also explains soon ) just a place to rest if you don't want to go straight to your Dr.

|| Cr - Current reality ||

This one is almost exactly how it sounds. Your Cr is the reality you are in right now. The one that you have been in your whole life ( I would guess ) and the one you are shifting out of!

|| subliminals ||

A subliminal/sub is a video or sound that can help you calm down and clear your mind which can help you shift. I will have a whole chapter full of many subs to help you shift!

|| your clone ||

So this is a scary one in my opinion. So when your mind is in another reality your clone will be here and do as you do on a day to day basis. Your clone won't do crazy shit that you wouldn't do. Your clone can do whatever you script them to do. Just make sure you script wisely. I'm new to learning about clones so please, don't be scared, just learn some things about them on TikTok or youtube or the best place amino. I'm sorry I will try to answer questions about clones but I don't know too much about how they work.

So this is a lot to take in so I will include more definitions as I go on through the book! Thank you for your time and feel free to ask questions if you need a little more explaining!

💌 - Faith :)

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