|| waiting room! ||

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So I don't know how I forgot but I don't think I've talked about the waiting room!

So the waiting room is what you shift too before you shift to your dr.

Your wait room is a place where you can script your dr. Even though you can do it in person you can also do it in your wait room!

The waiting room is whatever you would want in a room. Customize it as you'd like.

You can use any method, just think of your waiting room instead of your DR. You can go to your dr from your waiting room.

I've never been to my wait room but it is a cool thing to go to.

You can customize your wait room in your script.

You can include pictures and everything, just create it how you want.

Just feel free to ask questions, I bet if this is a bit confusing!!

💌 - Faith ;)

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