|| the "julia i am method" ||

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Hey! Sorry for not putting out a new method in a while! I owe you guys for sticking around!!

To do this method, you need to lay on your back. Listen to subliminals if they help you! But you don't need to completely optional!

Once you feel relaxed, start to repeat "I am" in your head until you start to feel the many sigh abs of shifting, which can be tingling, twitching, and bright lights.

Start making affirmations like "I am shifting" or "I am in my dr," etc.

While you start to relax, you can stop saying affirmations and start thinking about your dr. Like where you will wake up, how you will wake up, etc.

This can include little things you want to happen!!

You should start to feel your surroundings in your dr!! Like sounds, lights and voices.

I hope this made sense!!


Hey so just a little update! My TikTok got hacked and I had to delete it so they didn't get any of my personal information!! But if anyone wants my personal TikTok I can always comment it in the comments!! I'm always here to talk beyond shifting!

Mental health matters.
You matter.

💌 - Faith ;)

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