|| alice in wonderland method! ||

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So this method is very difficult if you can't visualize! A lot of visualization!

So what do you want to do first, is meditate for about 10 minutes. You can meditate for as long as you want of course, but 10 minutes is recommended if you don't want to meditate for an extremely long time. But of course feel free to meditate for as long as you want or not at all.

After meditating you want to lay on your back, I know just like the raven method, it sucks to lay in your back but you got a lose you Gotta do. And while you're laying on your back imagine that you were laying against a tree. You can sit by the tree for as long as you want, and when you're ready imagine someone from your desired reality running past you. And then get up and after them.

Do you want to chase them until they fall into the rabbit hole. Then jump in to the rabbit hole with them. You can imagine yourself falling for as long as you want! As long as you feel is right. There is no real time limit.

When you are ready, imagine you're so falling in seeing a key, and then seeing a locked door. Grab the key and unlock the door. You'll see the person you were chasing and imagine him looking at you and asking, "ready to go?"

When you are ready, take their hand. Imagine seeing your desired self in bed. Lay down in the same position you started this method with in fall asleep and you should be there.

I'm not gonna lie it is completely OK if you don't understand what I'm talking about, because this was a very hard method to explain. If you have any questions please message me I'm sorry I'm taking so long to get to them but I will definitely get to them soon! Thank you guys for being so flexible <3

So I'm guessing some of you guys have already seen this method if you follow my TikTok, but of course I have to tell everyone on wattpad to :) my tiktok is a lot easier to post so I think I'm going to post daily. Sorry I'm putting this information here, the other chapters deleted themself I'm not sure why. But here is my tiktok if you would like to follow! :) won't worry, you don't need to! I will be putting the same information in both places, the information will most likely be on tiktok first! :)

 But here is my tiktok if you would like to follow! :) won't worry, you don't need to! I will be putting the same information in both places, the information will most likely be on tiktok first! :)

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💌 - Faith :)

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