|| Questions pt.1! ||

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Hey guys!

I've been reading messages, and I've gotten a lot of questions about the dangers of shifting. So I just decided to tell everyone here because it's definitely something I should include for all of you that are worried about shifting.

Question: "can you get stuck in your dr?"

Answer: no you cannot. You cannot get stuck. You will eventually wake up in your CR, but if you are worried about not remembering your codeword, don't be. Do you remember everything that you know when your Cr, so as long as you script it in, make sure it's something you won't forget. If you are seriously worried about that, script and that you were only in there for a couple hours so it's kind a like a timer and you'll get sent back. Hopefully that made sense! Feel free to ask questions !

Question: " is shifting into anime safe?"

Answer: so this is a very common asked question. What I found out about this, is that it's not as safe as you think. And I know that's very disappointing for a lot of you. When you try to shift into an anime they aren't animated, so if this anime you were going to is violent/gory then you might come back traumatized. Anime is the only concept I've heard that could leave you traumatized. So I would really recommend not to. But of course I can't stop you if you would like to try. But I would not recommend it.

Question: "can I script that I am dating someone in my dr?"

Answer: of course you could, but this is why you shouldn't. Shifting involves real people people in different realities. So they are real and forcing them into a relationship would feel very forced. I would recommend you scripting that you get to know them first or even add spice like scripting that you go from enemies to lovers. That actually makes the relationship feel real and enjoyable for both of you. But of course you can script them into dating you because you can really script anything.

Question: "can they reject me?"

Answer: sadly, yes. But not if you script that they don't. Script that they won't reject you, but if you aren't willing to force them then let them choose which is what I recommend. But I understand if you don't want to be rejected. That totally makes sense. Try saying things like "in my dr I am irresistible" or "in my dr I am the prettiest at school" something like that, it's petty but it will make it a bit less forced.

I'm going to be making many pages to add on to this!

But please, if you have any questions try messaging me privately! I get to those a lot faster!

Hope you guys are having a good day <3

💌 - Faith :)

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