Chapter 1: Malfoy Manor & Diagon Alley

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Malfoy Manor. The giant home within the countryside, home to the infamous Malfoy family. Known for their hate of Pure-bloods and the Weasleys. Known for following Voldermort and the dark forces. I hated it. Living in the Malfoy Manor isn't for me, despite being a Malfoy. I was the disappointment, the Malfoy who hated everything his family stood for, and the one who hated Voldermort with a passion. My families legacy haunted me everywhere I went, people knew who I was, and they knew what my family stood for. But they never realising I didn't feel the same, mainly because they were too scared to talk to me.

I walk towards the manor, heading up the stairs towards the front door, knowing my parents will find something to shout at me for. I let out a deep breath and walk inside, already feeling the gloom cover my body just from stepping foot into the building. I look around, trying to see if my father was waiting for me before heading towards the stairs. "Onyx Malfoy! Where have you been!?" my father booms as he rounds the corner. I freeze on the spot before slowly turning, already knowing what he was about to say. "Nowhere father. I took a walk around the grounds." I say standing on the step and facing him. He shakes his head, looking over me seeing all the dirt and the clothing I wore. I could feel the disappointment oozing from his eyes as he shakes his head. "Dinner is in 5 minutes. Go clean up and change out of those horrible clothes." He says and I nod. I rush upstairs and into my room, not wanting to annoy him anymore. I close my door behind me, not noticing someone already in my room. As I think to myself, I head over to my closet to change into clothes my father approved of, turning to put them on my bed and finally noticing Draco. "What do you want Draco?" I ask, rolling my eyes at the smirk on his face.

"To watch you suffer." He responds and I shake my head. "You shouldn't be a Malfoy. You're a disappointment to this family, I hope you know that. Mother and Father wanted a daughter, instead they got you. You don't even appreciate everything they did to give you the life you have." He hisses and I turn to face him. "I didn't ask for this life Draco. I didn't want this life. I'm sorry that I don't believe that Half-bloods are below us, and I'm sorry that I don't want to be known as the boy whose family joined the Dark Lord to destroy Hogwarts, the place our family studied and learnt everything they know!" I exclaim. "I may be a disappointment, but I know what's right and wrong." I tell him, taking my clothes into the bathroom to change. I hear him talking but I drown him out as I stare into the mirror, watching the reflection stare back at me. "You'll be the laughing stock at Hogwarts in the new year. Nobody will take you seriously." Draco says leaning against my bathroom door. I wash my face and dry it, before turning to him. "I'd rather be a laughing stock for standing up for what I believe, than sit back and let people think I'm the same as you." I respond causing Draco to stand taller. "You better hope I don't have a reason to beat you up when this year begins, because I will do it." He spits before leaving me alone. I let out a deep breath, not realising I had kept hold of it while he was here. I move my hair from my face and change my watch, to be one my Mother bought me for my 11th birthday last year.

I quickly change into my different clothes and rush downstairs, cleaning my glasses as I walk. I head into the living room sitting opposite my mother as Draco sits next to her, and my father at the end of the table. I keep my head down, not interrupting their conversation. "That boy doesn't understand that half-bloods are the downfall of this world and they shouldn't be allowed anywhere near Hogwarts, or near magic for that matter." I clutch my fork harder trying not to speak up, knowing where it would get me if I did. I continue to eat letting them continue to talk bad about half-bloods, knowing their ignorance was their own fault and nothing I could change despite how hard I tried too. My mother nods agreeing with my father as Draco glances at me, smirking from time to time. "It's a shame really father, he could have been so useful to the Dark Lord, instead he's crushing on a half-blood. What a shame." Draco says, knowing full well what he had just done. I set my fork down and prepare for the tirade my parents were about to go on.

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