Chapter 18: Court Cases and Testimony.

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Months go by and Draco and I spend our time renovating our house, only stopping to spend time with Issac or Astoria. We were due to start Hogwarts again, with me going to retake 6th year since it was cancelled, and Draco opting to retake his 7th year too. We already had all our books and required items from the previous year that we could use so we didn't have to go to Diagon Alley. I walk around the house taking in the difference that we had created within the house compared to when we got it, smiling softly as I see the photos on the wall. I hear the door ring so I go to answer it seeing Sirius stood there. I frown and let them in, calling for Draco. He comes down, wiping his face as he sees the man standing in front of me. "Is everything okay?" He asks and I shrug. "I don't know, he just got here." I tell him and we all sit down. I offer Sirius a drink which he denies and wipes his hands on his trousers. "Have you two heard the news?" He asks and I shake my head. "We haven't heard anything? We've spent our time renovating." Draco tells him and I nod. Sirius sighs softly rubbing his face. "I didn't want to have to tell you this. Your parent's were both arrested yesterday." He says and my face drops. "What do you mean they were arrested? For what!?" Draco asks standing up. I run a hand through my hair trying to keep calm. "I don't know." He tells us and I stand up getting my coat. "Where are they? How much is their bail?" I ask sliding my coat over my shoulders.

Sirius stands up putting his hands in his pockets. "They're in a holding cell; they'll go to Azkaban next week unless they can find a lawyer. Their bail is about 1 million Galleons." He says and I nod. "Draco, go find Astoria. You'll need her. This won't be easy." I tell him. Draco nods going to find her. I turn to Sirius and move my hair off my face. "I need to go to Diagon Alley and then you need to take me to where they are." I tell him and he nods. "I thought you hated them?" He asks me and I shrug. "I do, but Draco doesn't. I'm doing this for him, not for me or for them." I say. We leave the house and head to Diagon Alley. I walk into Gringotts, taking out the money we needed. I put the cheque into my pocket and he takes me to the Jail. I ignore the cameras and journalists outside asking me questions as I follow Sirius inside. I see my parents watching me and I shake my head seeing them. I walk over to the desk and ring the bell to wait for someone to answer as Sirius goes to talk to them.

Someone eventually comes out and I take the cheque from my pocket. "I'm here to bail out my parents. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy." I tell the officer. He looks at me suspiciously before checking the cheque was real. He calls a different officer, who walks out and over to the cell. The door is opened and the cuffs taken off my parents. I see my mother smile widely at me and I shake my head. "I didn't do this for you two. I did this for Draco. I couldn't care less if you spent an eternity in Azkaban." I tell them and they nod. I thank the officers and we leave. I continue ignoring all the questions as we get into the car and Sirius drives us home. We arrive at my house and I unlock the door, letting us all in. I walk in and see Draco, Astoria, Issac, Charlie and Pansy stood around the kitchen counter. I toss my keys into the pot and walk over getting myself a drink.

I lean against the counter as Issac stands next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "What did you do this time?" I ask my parents annoyed. My father clears his throat looking at the floor. "They tried charging us with Dumbledore's murder." He tells me and I nod rolling my eyes. Draco walks over, hugging them tightly but I stay where I was. "No hug for your mother?" She asks and I laugh. "Besides the one time you turned up after we bought the house, claiming you'd change, you haven't spoken to me once, unless you wanted some money off me since yours got confiscated by the Ministry. You're not my mother." I tell her and she nods. I let Draco and Astoria talk with them as Charlie and Pansy talk to Sirius. I walk outside and take a deep breath, looking at the garden behind the house. I feel Issac following me, before he wraps his arms around my waist.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me and I shrug. "I feel fine my love." I say kissing his temple, turning in his arms. He gives me a knowing look before kissing me softly. "I know you better than that. What's on your mind?" He asks and I chuckle, running my hand through his hair. "I love and hate how well you know me sometimes." I tell him. "I just spent a million galleons bailing them out of a jail cell, and I'm about to spend another 500,000 just to get them out of jail so Draco has his parents in his life. I don't know how to feel about it." I admit with a shrug. Issac nods listening as I talk. "We have to go back to Hogwarts in a week, and those two are going to be in a court case, that Draco and I are inevitably going to have to be a part of, so that's going to be around the school. I'll have to walk through the hallway that I killed Bella in." I say with a soft sight. He nods, running his hands through my hair, rubbing my cheek softly. "We'll get through it together. I promise." Issac tells me and I nod kissing him softly. "I love you. Two more years." I mutter to him softly. He nods with a chuckle and kisses back.

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