Chapter 6: Halloween Ball

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"No Charlie, I'm not putting that on. I'm not even going to this Halloween party that the school is hosting" I say with a laugh as she shows me a black tie with Pumpkins over the tie and the blazer pocket she wanted me to try whilst we were sitting around in the Ravenclaw Common Room. "Oh come on! It'll look incredible on you. Who says you aren't going?" She asks and I shake my head taking it. "Okay fine, but if I hate it I'm taking it off and I'm never wearing it again." I say with a laugh kissing her temple and heading into my bathroom to change. I shake my head with a smile forming on my lips as I change into the outfit. I adjust the collar before walking out to see her. "Well?" I ask showing her as I adjust the cuffs. "Wow, you look... wow." She says causing me to laugh. "That's it, I'm taking it off." I say and go to turn around. "Don't! You look amazing." She says moving closer and fixing the blazer. "And why aren't you going to this dance?" She asks adjusting the tie since it wasn't centred. I chuckle softly and run a hand through my hair. "For one, these dances aren't my thing, and two I don't have anyone to go with. You're going with Pansy." I say with a smirk, seeing her blush once I mention the Slytherin. "Just ask Issac to go with you." She says and I shake my head. "I guarantee someone else will ask him." I say with a shrug. "Why don't you be that person?" She says and I ignore her.

"I'm glad you two worked it out." Charlie tells me and I nod. "So am I." I say. "You look good in that suit." Issac says as he walks back over to us. I smile softly and thank him. "So, Issac have you got a date for the Halloween party?" Charlie asks side eyeing me as she waits his response. I roll my eyes and take my blazer and tie off. "Actually I don't. Oliver and I were meant to go together, but you know how that ended." He says, I frown and rub his hand. I look up and check the time. "Issac, don't you have Care of Magical Creatures to go to?" I ask and he checks the time. He stands up and puts his jacket on before hugging Charlie and I, then leaving. I smile watching him leave, feeling Charlie's eyes on me. "Don't even say a word. I'm not asking him to this dance. Someone else will ask him. Probably Dean, he's got a crush on him. I'm not going." I tell Charlie, hanging the blazer and tie up on the end of my bed. I clean up before leaning against the desk, resting on my hands as I watch Charlie. "Oh come on, you know he'll say yes if you ask him." Charlie tells me and I sigh rubbing my face. "Look, I only just got him back as my friend. I'm not potentially ruining this by asking him to the dance." I say. "I can't lose him again; you know what I was like the first time." I say sadly and she nods. "Look I have to go; I told Pansy I'd walk her from Transfiguration to D.A.D.A. But we'll talk about this later okay?" Charlie says and I nod. She walks over and grabs her coat before kissing me on the cheek. "Just consider it, please?" She asks before walking away. I rub my face and look around the empty dorm room, before deciding to go to the library for a study session. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and leave the Ravenclaw Common Room. I walk around for a while, just admiring and watching the time pass across the castle, before finally walking into the library. I walk to the back and sit at a desk that people never went too, setting my bag down.

I take a look around at my surroundings and smile slightly, feeling safe in this location since only a few people knew about it. I pull out my D.A.D.A homework and start filling it out, making notes as I do so, answering question by question. I look up, taking a sip of my water, seeing someone approach me and sit in front of me. I raise an eyebrow, slightly confused before the person talks. "You're the Malfoy brother? Onyx right?" They ask and I nod. "That's me, who are you?" I ask concerned. They hold their hand out before speaking. "Zacharias Bolton. Everyone calls me Zach. I need your help, I know this is random, but you're the smartest person in our year." He tells me and I shake his hand. "I'm failing Potions and D.A.D.A, you're my last hope. I've tried everything." I nod listening to him talk. "I've been to Snape and Lupin and they both recommended I spoke to you." I chuckle slightly and nod. "Alright, I'll help you. Tell me when and where and I'll be there, unless you want to start now?" I ask picking my pen up and finishing my question. Zach nods and takes his books out. I chuckle at the book, seeing all the scribbles covering the front of it. He opens the page, pointing out what he struggled with.

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