Chapter 16: The Early Goodbye

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The next morning I stand in the gateway of the castle looking out at all the students who were packed up and ready to go home. Since the castle was destroyed they had to cancel the rest of the year, meaning we had 9 months to ourselves before we started 7th year. I look around watching as students were re-united with their families, being brought into tight hugs, and loving kisses. I smile softly before walking back inside. I head into the Great Hall seeing Draco, Issac, Charlie and Pansy sitting down talking to each other. I sit next to Issac, wrapping my arms around her and resting my head on her shoulder. "Someone's in a good mood this morning." Draco says with a smirk and I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. "I finally got a good night sleep in 4 months, nothing happened." I say with a chuckle as Issac kisses my cheek. "Yeah, sure. That's totally what his neck says." Charlie says and I laugh, covering the hickeys on his neck with my hand as he hides his face in my chest. "Listen, victory sex after thinking you're going to die is incredible." Issac says and  I smile softly as we all have a conversation as if the castle wasn't in pieces around us.

I look down at Issac as he talks, biting my lip. "Marry me." I ask Issac softly so only he could hear me. He frowns and turns to look at me. "What did you say?" He asks confused. "Marry me." I re-iterate, I take his hand in mine messing with it. "Did you just ask me to marry you?" He says asking for clarification again and I nod. "Yes." I say and he chuckles. "Onyx, we're 16 and 17 years old." He tells me and I nod. "I know." I tell him kissing his hand. "We're still children." He says with a chuckle. "Children who have been through more than half the adults around us will understand. I'm almost 18; I can support us once I finish with this place. We don't have to get married right away; I just want to be able to say you're mine, forever." I tell him. "Just consider it." I say kissing his temple. He turns back to our friends and I go help out a bunch of first years that were struggling with their bags, I carry them down the stairs and they thank me, before running off to their families. I smile softly.

I watch as they leave before heading to my dorm to pack the rest of my stuff up. I look over at my desk, seeing the photos of Bella and I lying there. I sit down on my bed, picking them up and running my finger over them. I smile weakly, wiping my face as tears fill my eyes. I clear my throat as I look through them, smiling at each memory that played. I reach the last photo, the most recent one that was taken before 4th year during the half term. I smile, laughing slightly at what played out. "I miss you Bella, I did what I had too." I mutter softly. "She knows that. She understands." I hear someone say. I look up and see Hermione watching me. I smile softly and wipe my face before putting the photos down. "Oh hey, what are you doing here?" I ask her as I stand up, wiping my hands on my jeans. She chuckles and walks over to my window looking out of it. "I spoke to Issac. He told me you asked him to marry you." She tells me and I bite my lip softly. "I erm... yeah I did. He didn't answer so I kind of just gave him some space." I say with a shrug. "I think I may have messed up." I tell Hermione seriously and she turns to face me. "But why? Why do you think you messed up?" She asks me and I lean on my desk. "When I said it, he seemed hesitant, like it wasn't something he wanted." I say with a shrug. "He seemed like marrying me wasn't an option right now, which I kind of understand." I tell her. Hermione nods sitting on the end of my bed. "Issac loves you that I know for a fact. And I know you went through some pretty traumatic stuff, hell we all did. It's not every day you get the life sucked out of you by a Dementor." She says and I smile softly crossing my arms. "But I do know that he wants to be with you. More than he's ever wanted anyone. So even if he doesn't say yes to marrying you right now, just know that he is more than willing too in the future, when you're older and able to self fund yourselves. Just don't rush it." Hermione tells me and I nod thinking about it. We stand around talking for a while longer before she goes to check the rest of her stuff was packed leaving me alone again. I check around the room making sure I had everything before I carry my belongings to the front of the castle. I set them down outside the doorway and see Issac talking to Charlie and Pansy. I smile softly letting them talk.

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