Chapter 20: 22 Years Later.

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"DAD! Have you seen my broom!?" I hear one of the twins shout. I chuckle and head upstairs to find it with them. "Jacob you really need to stop leaving it around the house." I tell him taking the broom to him. "Sorry dad! Lucia moved it and wouldn't tell me where." Jacob says rushing off to get the rest of his things. I shake my head with a smile before going to check on Lucia, seeing her sat on her bed looking over a family album. "What's going on sweetie?" I ask her as I sit next to her. "Dad can I ask you something? I tried asking Papa but he told me to ask you." She tells me and I nod. "Of course." I say rubbing her back. She lets out a sigh as she closes the book, setting it on her bed next to her. "What if I'm not a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? Would you be disappointed in me?" Lucia asks me and I shake my head. "Not at all honey. I was the first Ravenclaw of our family, and your great uncle Sirius was the first Gryffindor in a long line of Slytherins. No matter what house you or your brother are sorted into, your father and I will love you more than you know. Okay?" I tell her moving her hair off her face. She smiles and hugs me tightly. "Now come on, you have stuff to pack; we need to leave for the train station in a few hours and Uncle Draco is on his way." I tell her pressing a soft kiss to her head.

I smile as she runs off to get her things, while I walk down to Issac, wrapping my arms around him. "Good morning Mr." I say with a soft smile as I kiss his cheek. He smiles and kisses me softly as he turns in my arms. "Good morning. I heard you talking to Lucia." He says and I nod with a smile. "She was scared we wouldn't love her if she wasn't a Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff." I tell him and he smiles softly. He nods and presses a kiss to my head. "Who would have thought 19 years ago when I joined Hogwarts from Illvermorny that we'd be stood here, married for 17 years, with a beautiful set of twins?" Issac asks and I smile. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I tell him with a smile. "Draco and Astoria are on their way with Scorpius." I tell him and he nods. I hear the kids running around and picking up their belongings. I chuckle slightly as Issac goes to answer the door. "Lucia Bella, Jacob Draco come down please, your Aunt and Uncle are here!" I call to them and they run down carrying their suitcases. "Uncle Draco!" Jacob shouts running over to him. I smile softly watching them interact. Scorpius runs over to me, hugging me tightly. "Hi Uncle Onyx and Uncle Issac!" He says with a wide smile. I kiss his head softly before he hugs Issac. He runs off with the twins after they've said hello to Astoria and I chuckle slightly. "Today's the day." Draco tells me and I nod. "How are you feeling?" He asks me, setting us coat on the back of a chair. "It feels surreal. My kids are going to Hogwarts, the place we defended and almost died for. It's an incredible feeling." I tell him truthfully and he smiles. "Scorpius can't wait to go back. He can't wait to see Rose." Draco tells me and I smile. "How are those two? Still together I see." I ask and Astoria nods. "He won't stop talking about her. He's completely smitten for her." She tells me and Issac laughs. "Kind of like you were over Issac." Draco tells me and I laugh with a nod.

"I'll be sad to see them go. They've ruled our lives for 11 years, and they're about to be gone for a large portion of their lives. But it's great to know we can have some alone time." I tell Draco as Astoria talks to Issac. "You'll get used to it. What house do you think they'll be put into?" He asks me and I sigh rubbing my face. "I don't know. I hope whichever house they are put into, they don't let it come between them like it did between us. They need each other; it's a big step for them. For all 3 of them." I tell Draco and he nods. We talk for a few more hours before we have to head to the train station. "Kids come on, we need to go!" I shout up to them and they come rushing down the stairs. They rush over and put their coats on ready to the station and get to school. I smile softly as they talk between themselves about their first years while Scorpius tells them what they'll end up doing. We head outside and I carry their suitcases to the car, throwing them into the trunk. Issac locks the house up and we get into our respective cars and I begin driving to Kings Cross. I park up outside and help the kids with their cases as they rush over to Scorpius. I follow them as we head over to Platform 9 3/4 watching as other families head through the gap to the platform. I smile softly as the kids run ahead with Scorpius who had seen Rose and Lily Luna. I follow them all and watch them run around the platform enjoying themselves. I lean against the wall letting the memories of this place fill my body, smiling softly. I look up and see Charlie watching me I smile widely at her as she walks over to me. "You look like you might cry." She tells me and I nod with a chuckle. "I think I might." I admit and she smiles hugging me tightly. "I was the same when Pansy and I had to say goodbye to Mikey for the first time." She tells me and I nod. "They've consumed 11 years of my life, and I know where they're going is safe, but I can't help but be fearful something could happen. I won't be there to protect them like I can be right now." I admit. She chuckles and rubs my arm softly as I wipe my face. "They'll be okay. They have a huge family system there remember? Scorpius and Mikey are both their family wise, and Mikey has already told Lily, Albus and James about the twins, who are super excited to meet them. They won't be alone." Charlie tells me and I nod with a smile.

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