5: I hate you slightly less

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Chaeyoung coughs her voice feeling hoarse. "Are you okay?" Lisa says. She checks her temperature.

"You're burning up, we have to get out of here soon." Lisa says worriedly.

"What the fuck?" Chaeyoung sounds tired. Lisa panicks.

Chaeyoung lays ontop of Lisa, without space to move.

She can hear Lisa's heartbeat and heat rises to her face.


The girl hums in response. "What?" Chaeyoung respond, laying softly on her arms.

Chaeyoung's breath is hot and tickles against Lisa's neck. She squirms around and Lisa lets out a deep breath.

Chaeyoung wraps her arms around Lisa's waist, completely engulfing her with her warmth.

"Chae.." Lisa coughs.


"Y-Your knee."

Their bodies press together in anticipation. They could feel each other's movements.

Chaeyoung shifts slightly only to have Lisa let out a soft groan. "Please. Your knee."

It takes Chaeyoung a moment to realize how they're positioned.

Chaeyoung lays on top of Lisa, her arms around her waist. Her body is pressed against the girl and her knee sits between her legs.

A blush finds it's way onto Chaeyoung's face. "Oh god, I'm sorry."

"Shit! Don't move, you're making this worse." Lisa says frantically, trying to stop any kind of movement.

"C-Can you control youself?"

"The fuck you think I am an animal?"

"I don't know!"

"Chae, can you please open the door?" She asks and Chaeyoung shakes her head.

"Why?" Lisa groans in annoyance.

"If I move I might.." She stops her sentence and Lisa sighs.

"Fuck, how do we get ourselves out of here?" Lisa questions.

Lisa's breaths get heavier and it starts to disturb Chaeyoung. "L-Lisa? What's wrong?" She asks and Lisa shakes her head in return. "It's nothing, It's just starting to get kind of hot," Lisa replies.

Chaeyoung shifts around.

"Don't." Her voice is low.

Chaeyoung squeaks. "We need to get out of here."

"Fuck, Park Chaeyoung You're literally driving me insane." Chaeyoung can feel Lisa sweating.

"Wow, you unsurprisingly have a high sex drive," Chaeyoung replies.

"Are you testing my patience, cause I'm telling you. I know more than you think you do."

"Yeah right." Chaeyoung laughs the vibration of her voice resonating.

"Shut up, or I might actually do something." Lisa complains, honestly slightly more turned on then she should be.

Chaeyoung softly shuffles.
"Chae, I'm telling you. Don't you fucking dare-"

"You little--" Lisa takes a sharp breath in. "Stop." She warns but Chaeyoung doesn't.

"I'll think about it, she grins playfully."

Chaeyoung says her lips leaning into her neck. "Park Chaeyoung." She says once more.

Lisa brings her chin up, their eyes meeting in a long gaze. Chaeyoung playfully swipes her lips with her thumb.

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