Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Yah are you blind? Where is your eyes? On your knees?" He teased Sinb while head over Sinb. "Ah! I know it must be on your legs that's why you trespass me without any feel guilty. Yah kneel down and say sorry to me for push my shoulder." The man push Sinb's shoulder. Sinb glare at him, try to calm down and not make a scene. "Yah are you just glare at me? You punk... Know your place. Didn't your parents teach you about manners to adult. But, wait... I think I have saw you before."

"Of course you had saw me. It's on your death. You don't believe it right? See, no one sees you except me. Of course you don't know, you died in your sleep and I'm grim reaper who bring you to the hell you asshole." Sinb take off her cap and mask. The man shock because he doesn't know that he teased a famous girl group in Korea. "I'm Hwang Eunbi or well known as GFriend Sinb. Don't worry it's a bit pain to bring you to the hell."

Sinb kick at his right leg and punch his face. Guess what... He knocks down. "Yah Hwang Eunbi! Are you crazy? What if people saw it? You and I will die you know. If CEO So Sung Jin know, I will have fired. Oh god, what I should do?" Sinb get annoyed. "Oppa, I'm just defence myself. That guy pushes me because I'm brush his shoulder a bit and he make a scene because of that little thing." Manager Park furious with Sinb's behaviour. "Yah do you know how much I bribe Reporter Lee last week because you fight with bunch of high schoolers."

Manager Park massaging his forehead. "Last week, they call me plastic and keep insisting me to quit being an idol because of my face." Sinb defence herself and make a cold face. Manager Park sigh and give her some advice. "Sinb I know you're angry with them but if you fight like that I can't defence you. But if you ignored them, I will make sure that CEO So Sung Jin file sue to whom bullying you. If you keep fight with people, your career will doom. I know it's hard to hold angry but try to keep it."

"Not for me but yourself, don't you tell me that you want be a singer because you want people hear your voice. You want make they start their day happily with hearing your voice." Sinb keep her poker face and straight go to the van. "Aigoo, this kid. Should I report to him that Sinb got mad with him and make a trouble again?" Manager Park mumble alone. He should think resolution to make Sinb stop making trouble. He knew that someone can help him to make Sinb behave automatically.


Why he answers my call? Is he busy with his schedule? Should I call later? Sinb sigh look at her phone, still waiting his call. "Hwang Eunbi what you waiting for? It's almost our debut assessment." Sowon drag Sinb to dance practice. "Unnie...I" Sinb hesitate to talk Sowon. Sowon scan Sinb's face and she sigh.

"Sinb, I know you're waiting his call but our debut assessment is more important. Besides, he doesn't pick up your call from yesterday. I know you're missing him so much but hold a little bit more. After this assessment, you can call him back okay?" Sowon try calm Sinb down. "Okay" She follow Sowon to dance practice.


"Finally it's done! Yeah, I can rest this whole week without worry about assessment." Umji clap her hand and jump excitedly, thinking of what she will do that week. Everyone start planning their schedule for the whole week and it's very chaotic. The whole building can hear what their plans. Sinb smile looking her members excited and she consistently check her phone whether he reply or call her back.

Yerin notice that Sinb always check her phone. She taps Sinb's shoulder and whisper to Sinb's ear. "Yah you okay? What you waiting? I mean you always check on your phone. You must be waiting someone. Who is he? Do I know?" Yerin look at Sinb curiosity. "No, I'm not waiting someone. Just checking at my phone if any emergency messages. Hahaha." Yerin feel suspiciously toward Sinb. "Okay I believe this one but if you have any problems, just tell me. I'm here to listen if you want someone listen your whine. Hahaha."

Sinb nod her head and she glad because someone still want care about her. Suddenly, someone calling her and it was him. Actually, no one knows that he and Sinb is dating except Sowon. She caught Sinb when she saw he was kissing on Sinb's cheek. He run toward Sinb and as always he kisses on Sinb's cheek. "Why you don't pick up my call?" Sinb push him playfully then hug him back. "Ah! I turn off my phone. Yesterday, I had emergency, my mom hospitalised because her heart attack come back. That's why I don't have any time to call you back."

Sinb worry about his health. "You didn't sleep yesterday? How about lunch and dinner? Haven't you eaten? Let's go to restaurant." Sinb drag him to restaurant nearby. "What you want to eat? McDonald or what?" He hesitates to talk. "Sinb, I don't have money. You know right that I have to pay my mother's bill." Sinb smile at him. "I know that, don't worry. I treat you today because I know you're going to through hard time." He smiles at her. "Let's eat, mm I want McDonald."



"Yah, do you guys heard that?" Umji slam her hands on Eunha's table excitedly. "About what? I don't think that we have a special day today. Do I miss something?" Sowon ask Umji. "We will have 3 handsome new students. I heard that they are hot and bad boys." Sowon chuckle. "Umji, didn't I tell you to stop reading that wattpad. I don't want my baby turn dirty mind because of that boys. No no, I didn't teach you become like that." Sowon patting Umji's head and Umji pout.

"Aigoo, our maknae want a boyfriend huh? Do you remember that we are who? Should I remember you?" Sinb smile while playing Umji's hair. "Yah Hwang Eunbi, you also maknae and same age with me. Don't you dare think that I'm a baby too." Yuju laugh until she crying. "You both are baby so stop fighting now." Yerin calm them. "Yah I'm not a baby only Umji and Eunha okay." Sinb defence herself. "Since when I become maknae?" Eunha confused. "You always acting like a maknae." Sinb pull her tongue childishly.

"Ah! My head is hurt because you guys. Stop fight each other you beagles. Sowon unnie, look at... Where is she, doesn't she here just now?" They shrug their shoulder. "Ah! Mrs Kim want see her." Yuju snap her fingers. "Why I hear or see she going out?" Umji tapping her fingers on her chin, thinking how Sowon meet Mrs Kim. "Because you fight with Sinb, that's why you don't know." Yerin massage her head.

"Guys listen!!!" Sowon slamming the teacher's table. "We have 3 transfer students. I hope you guys cooperate and get along with them. Start with you shorty guy." The guy glare at Sowon. "I'm Jimin and I want to warning two things. Listen carefully or you will be dead meat." The girls fangirlling and the guys look scared because of Jimin's look scary. "First, don't. you. ever. talk. about. my. height. Second, don't. you. ever. think. want to. become. my. friends. or. my. lover. unless. you. want to. died."

Jimin look at one by one his new classmates. "I'm V. From Daegu. Age 22. That's all." The girls hitting each other. Sowon look at V guy confusedly. 'V, such a weird name. Does he foreigner?' little heart Sowon wonder. "Jeon Jungkook. 20. Busan. Don't ever near me or you will be get in a big trouble. Don't ever think that I didn't warn you guys. Ah! Even you're girl, I don't care. Rules are rules." Sinb smirk, she interested in Jungkook guy. He is a perfect guy that she wants to fulfil her wish. "Okay, you guys can sit behind Eunha and Sinb. Eunha, Sinb, raise your hands."

They make a way towards their table. Sinb turn around to facing Jungkook who behind her. Eunha tapping Sinb's hand so she doesn't bother the guys. She worried about Sinb's safety. "Jeon Jungkook... Do you remember me?" Sinb ask him. "Didn't I told you to don't near to..." Sinb pull Jungkook's tie and whisper to Jungkook's ear. "Didn't I told you to run away and hide from me and I'll chase you even it's the end of the world. Because I will get what I want especially you." Jungkook back off and fall down from his chair.

GLASS BEAD - H.E.B & J.J.KWhere stories live. Discover now