Chapter 4 : Am I Not Enough?

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Jimin stare on Eunha's eyes with affection and she fall in deeply that stare. She can't describe that feeling, it's new feeling that she ever experienced. She pushes him away and run away for her life. The place that she can think is rooftop. Once she reaches it, she locks up herself and take a breath. Her heart is beating faster than usually. Her face turned red when she thinks about what's going on just now.

She tries recall what Jimin said just now. She doesn't get it why Jimin do that. "Is he like me? But, I thought he like a sexy and bold girl. But he said I should give up on Jungkook and come to him. What it does mean. Wait, wait, wait did he know I like Jungkook but how? I didn't tell anyone even my members. Did I be obvious? Oh god! Just kill me."

"Oh no, I'm died now. Is he big-mouth? What if he talks to Jungkook that I like him? How I can approach Jungkook now? Jimin you rascal, you ruined my beautiful dream to couple with Jungkook. Okay Eunha you can do it. Just act normally that you always do and ignore Jimin. You can do it." Eunha unlock the rooftop's door and she stop again.

"But if Jimin tell to Jungkook and Jungkook reject in front others just like Sinb. I'm so embarrassed to think about it. Should I begging Jimin to shut up his mouth? But how? I'm also afraid of him how I can reach him? What if he going kill me if I get near him? Arghh! How my life get mess because that jerk? Park Jimin, you really asshole, dickhead and jerk! I swear if you telling him, I would...ehrmm.... I would..." Yelling Eunha.

"You would what? Aigoo, this girl... stop dreaming. There's no way he would like you, and plus I heard from his old school friends that he's a playboy. I think he's only playing with you, and you are falling in his trap. Congrats my dear Eunha." Yuju said with thinking Eunha's feeling. Eunha was hanging down her head as she heard Yuju's statement. "No, he's not a playboy. He's a good guy, he's always help me and just now he's help me from being caught with Sinb and Jungkook."

Actually, Jimin follow Eunha from behind as he got worried as Eunha is a clumsy person. But then, heard Eunha talk alone. He let out sigh relief and sat down while heard Eunha's voice. Suddenly, he heard the door was unlocked but she didn't come out. Then, she continued her talk with someone. He chuckled because he thought she already finish cursed on him. Maybe she need take time to finish it. Then, he heard about someone talking bad behind him.

As he heard it, he knew he's need to distance with Eunha before she falling in love with him deeply. He forgot that he should not get involve another person to cry because of him again. He doesn't want to see she's suffer because of him. He should thanks to that girl who talking bad on him as he already snaps to the reality back. He's blame himself as he being selfish on these situations. He should his own place before take any actions.

He quickly enters the rooftop and he make a coldest face. "Why aren't you talk now? You didn't finish cursed on me? It's okay, I'll waiting here. Just curse on me if it makes you better. And you, thank you for snaps her to the reality. Yes, I'm a playboy and you are falling in my games. Congrats bitch." Jimin walk closely to Eunha. Eunha stunned there as she's doesn't believe what she heard just now.

Eunha look confused and lost and Jimin pulling Eunha's waist toward his body. She doesn't believe what's happen right now. "You know what? You are so boring and too dull for me. You should know how to push and pull. You're too innocent for me." Jimin caressing Eunha's face gently. "Don't worry, I'm not an asshole, dickhead and jerk like you think. I'm too kind now as I'm not going too far on you. You should be thankful on me." Jimin provoke on Eunha as he wants Eunha hate on him.

"What, what... I'm not falling in you. Stop being delusion, Park Jimin. You're the one should be thankful on me as I don't kick your ball as I really pissed off on you right now." Eunha boiling inside as she really beaten up on Jimin right now. She was almost swaying by sweet word Jimin and she already falling in Jimin. Jimin know Eunha is easy prey but he doesn't want to take advantage of her. Eunha already lost in a deep imaginary dream as y/n in wattpad with Jimin before.


Sowon nervous what will V reacted to her words. Once she reached, she saw Eunha in Jimin's arms, looking each other. "What, what... I'm not falling in you. Stop being delusion, Park Jimin. You're the one should be thankful on me as I don't kick your ball as I really pissed off on you right now." Eunha clenched her fist and ready to throw it to Jimin. She glared on Jimin fiercely as she really got mad on these time.

Sowon didn't know about Eunha had something feeling on Jimin. Yuju quickly snatch away Eunha from Jimin before it gotten worse. "Jung Eunbi, Park Jimin what are you doing here? Explain to me. Don't ever thinking to run away from this." Sowon try calm down, think positive. She afraid Eunha would really beaten up Jimin as she never Eunha angry like this. Eunha realised she didn't imagine and everything was reality.

"Choi Yuna, tell me what's going on in here?" Sowon asked Yuju who already in there from the first. Yuju explained from the beginning to the end of the story. Jimin chuckle and make fun of Eunha. "Are you in reality or still in your childish imagination." Jimin keep playing as the bad guy as he wants Eunha stop being delusion on him.

"You, you playing with me right? You know I'm an easy prey and try embarrasses myself. You thought I'm idiot right? I really thought that you're really gentle and caring person. You're really an asshole." Eunha crying because she so innocent, thinking Jimin would like her and even dare imagine till they would be amazing couple.

She slapping Jimin's face without thinking anything except her pride. She thought he looks down on her because she looks dumb and easy target from other members. "I'm really think that you would really like me and even think about having a relationship with you but you're playing with my heart, with my heart Jimin. I know I'm dumb but why you take advantage of me? Did you have fun?"

Eunha run away from Jimin and Sowon try chase after Eunha. V who don't know anything, try to stop Sowon. "Where are you going? Didn't you tell me something?" Sowon push V's hand away. "Let's me go asshole. You and him are same. When you guys came into this school, everything went mess. Did you satisfied, watching my members being suffered because of guys?"

"Starting from today, at 12.30 p.m. I, Kim Sojung want to break up with you. I don't want get involved anything with you guys and also members. I hope you guys don't even come near with us." Sowon left them and searching for Eunha. "Jimin what are you doing to them? Did you being too harass on her?" V calmly asked Jimin, he knew Jimin don't do that but still want the confirmation.

"I like her but she like Jungkook. I'm falling into her too much, Taehyung-ah. I was happy with being beside her but I'm too selfish Taehyung-ah. I don't want she suffered and regret later after she's know the truth. I don't want hurt her at the end. That's why I was playing a bad guy before she's falling into me deeply. I must wake her up before she's regret later..."

Jimin was crying hard as he told the truth make V shook. He hasn't see Jimin crying in front him for a long time ago. Jimin that he knew was a tough guy and never lost in anything. He works hard for trying get something. He knew Jimin always jealous with Jungkook because Jungkook has everything and everything that he wants he always get.

But Jimin case, he need work hard to achieve something. Jungkook reached on the rooftop, panting to get some air. He also shook, looking Jimin cry. He run toward Jimin and give a hug, comforting Jimin even he doesn't know anything. "It's okay hyung. Everything going to be okay. Hyung, you are strongest person that I ever seen. It's okay not to be okay. You already did the best."

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