Chapter 5 : Missing You

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It's been two weeks since Eunha and Jimin incident. Thankfully, no one knows about that incident except GFriend and maknae line of BTS. Eunha was absent for a week because she embarrassed to confront with Jimin. She embarrassed because she being so dumb in front him. She kept blame herself for go ahead herself imagine everything about her and Jimin.

After GFriend comfort her and Sowon dragging her from trapped in darkness before she locked inside of herself forever and never come out outside of the world. Yerin and Sowon getting closer after that incident because of Sinb and Yuju kept doing weird things. At the end, as a leader Sowon need to clean up their mess and Yerin help her because she knows that Sowon got tired but didn't want no one know it.

She knows Sowon only scolding and hitting them lightly to discipline them and Sowon don't want a burden to them as they always busy with trainee's hectic schedules and with the school. She also knew that Sowon always got scolded from the agency because of them but she kept silent and always smile cheerful with them. Sometimes she forgot that Sowon who always sacrifice for them and she always take advantage of Sowon.

After the incident, she tried to her best look out for Sowon and members as Sowon always do. It's was really hard and she got always headache and fainted because too much thinking. She also gives up on V because she knew Sowon still like him but put him aside because them. To Sowon, GFriend come up first from anything else. "Unnie, what you thinking about? That V guy again? Unnie..." Sinb start her lecture again but before it gets long she cut it first.

"No, I'm thinking about Sowon unnie. Do remember that I and her fought because V? When I tried observed her, I know I'm the bad one." Yerin sigh, Sinb pats Yerin back. "You're not bad one. You just blinded that time because of his handsomeness and you even can't see that Sowon unnie love you, try reached out for you like crazy person. She even tries thinking to sleep at in front your door to get your forgiveness. She even didn't eat, thinking about you. Push V away even every night she cries thinking about him." Sinb being savage + force Yerin hear sad story of Sowon.

"Hwang Eunbi, can you stop make me feel wrong?" Sinb laughing at Yerin's face, she like teased Yerin. V who went his place, heard his name being called by them. He listened carefully and heard everything about Sowon and him. Every night? Cry for him? He walks and stand in front them. "So, she didn't hate me right? She still like me right? I mean love me. Did she?" They suddenly silent, don't know how to react with that questions.

"Why you silent? Answer me. Did she still love me? Please say yes. Please, I'm sorry but I'm really desperately needed the answers. I really missing her. Can you make her come back to me? I'm really miss her. I..." V stop talking, he tried to hold his tears. He truly wants her, she the one who accept him. He needs the Sowon that he met two years ago. Sowon who brave stand for him, care for him, love only him. But, he left her because his father went crazy, want to kill him and sell his kidneys.

As he in deep thought, Sowon already there and Sinb tell her about V desperately the answers. Then, they heard V mumble alone. "I'm miss her, why she pushes me away? Did I make a mistake?" He starts crying and he realised she was behind him. He pulling her into a hug and crying like a baby who didn't get eat. He hugs tightly, don't want lose her. He really treasures her; she was everything for him after his mother.

Sowon pats his back, comfort him softly. "It's okay Taehyung. It's okay, I'm here." The whole class watching the drama also crying. Sinb got tired with that shit drama going to ruin it. "Taehyung? Who is Taehyung? Is he handsome than my cute bunny, Kookie? If he really did, give me his number and I'll make him my number two boyfriend." The whole class look at her, got annoyed because she spoiled the drama who staring by Sowon and V. "What? I'm just asking." Sinb said with innocently while make her poker face.

"Hwang Eunbi, so you want a new boyfriend? Don't ever think about it. I'm going to ruin your imagination and make sure you only love me." Speak to devil, her cute bunny Kookie come into the class with Jimin. He warned Sinb to behave or she will be punished. Sinb smirk and went to Jungkook, whisper something to Jungkook's ear. Then he got shy and hide his face with his hoodie. "So, who is Taehyung?" Umji asked curiously.

"It's V, his real name Kim Taehyung. We knew each other two years ago." Sowon kindly explain to them. The whole class being like 'Ohhhh'. "Wait, why you like didn't know him back then? When he came on first day. You look first time meet him." Yuju ask Sowon curiosity. "That time, I didn't remember him and I'm not sure about him." Sowon explain while still calmed V. Eunha got jealous because Sowon hug V too long. She didn't get a hug like that from Sowon.

"Yah how long you want hug Sowon unnie? Stop crying, are you sissy? I also don't even get that long time hug and you already got it. Unnie this is not fair. I want it too." Whining Eunha. V who already stop crying, looking at Eunha and pulling out his tongue playfully. He teased Eunha and acting crying back. "Eunha stop it. Didn't you see Taehyung sad? Why you called him sissy? It's rude and I not teaching you that. Say sorry to Taehyung. Besides, he is older than you, you should respect to him."

Taehyung smile cheeky to Eunha make Eunha pouted. Jimin chuckle, he relief that she being normal again. He really afraid she didn't come back and he couldn't see her again. He really misses her smile, her scent and her presence. He need held back for her sake.

"Taehyung you should stop tease her. Come here, sit with me or this night you sleep outside." Taehyung burn down his face on Sowon's chest. Eunha flushed heard Jimin's voice. She secretly glances at him, Jimin notice Eunha take a look at him.

He smiles faintly to her, behind his smile had a sad story untold. She looks in front and feel itching in her heart. "Don't want. I want to be with her. It's okay, I'm sleeping with her tonight." V made some crazy ideas. Sinb clapping her hand and patting his back hardly. "I like your ideas. Kookie, come our dorm tonight." Jungkook make innocent face. "Why?" Sinb smirk. "To teach you how make a baby and how a baby born. Don't you fail Science subject? So, I'm going to teach you. Don't worry about it, I'll make it slowly and it's won't hurt." Sinb smile brightly.

Jungkook shook, he never seen girl who bold and shameless like Sinb. Jungkook wrapping his hand on his body, as a sign protect his body. As the class got chaotic with the dirty minded Sinb, it's don't bother Eunha who still kept worried about Jimin. He doesn't look good and kept massage his head. He looks in pain and uncomfortable. Like tried held back something. Eunha approach Jimin first and ask him. "Are you okay? Are your head hurt? Need I massage for you?" Eunha tried carefully ask him. Jimin refused and push her away.

"I don't need your cares. No need act innocent in front of me. Did I teach you last time? Why you being so dumb?" Eunha got insulted Jimin's words but still held it back. "No need to be rude. I'm just worried about you. I'm so sorry for being dumb. Dumb for falling in love with you." Eunha tried her best hold her tears. Umji saw what's going on with Eunha try to stop Jimin hurts Eunha again. "Stop being a jerk Jimin. Don't you felt wrong make Eunha hurt because of you?" Umji hug Eunha, pats Eunha's back who already make a waterfall tears. "No, I don't." Jimin got up and trying going out from the class.

"Where are you going? Make an apologize to Eunha." Yuju grab Jimin's arms, stopping him from going out. Jimin pulling his hand back and stare at Eunha fiercely. "Apologies, over my dead..." Jimin passed out. They got shocked and Jungkook quickly pickup Jimin. V follow Jungkook from behind, praying that symptom are coming out again.

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