Chapter 11 : Make Me Fall Love In You

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After Sinb fainted, the set went chaotic and the production blame each other. Jungkook pick up Sinb and put her on his back. He run faster, leave the members and drove to hospital nearby. He waited until she wakes up and ignored calls from GFriend and BTS. His brain only thinks Sinb and only Sinb. As she yelled about help her massage her head, he knows she's okay.

"So, you're don't remember." He smiles sweetly to Sinb, make her heart fluttering. He caressing her face and kiss her eyes. "Firstly, I'm so sorry make you always cry." He kisses her forehead and look into her eyes. "I'm sorry for make you always miss me." He kisses her hand and bursting tears. "I'm sorry for always hurt you with my words."

She tearing up when she looks at Jungkook's sincerely. She hugs him, comfort him that people always make mistake and she forgive him. He shakes his head, he suggested her to slap his face and curse on him. "Okay, if you want it. Don't blame me if it hurts." She ready to slap him and he close his eyes. She can't slap him cause her feelings got mixed up.

Instead that, she kisses him on lips, make he shook and push her away. She resistant and pulling his head to kiss him again. This time, he can't escape from her lips. He lost in her sweet lips and slipped his tongue to her mouth. She gets flushed by Jungkook's action, Jungkook take action as Sinb stop kissing his lips. She tried get away before it's getting worse but it too late.

He already controls her body; she can't escape from him. She letting he do whatever he wants, that make him more aggressive. He grabbing her breast and playing her nipple. She makes moan between their kiss, he smirked at her. He still playing with her nipple and his right hand playing between her legs. He caressing slowly her thighs make her wet and moaning loudly.

Then, he stops doing it as he heard his manager voice, calling his name and Sinb. He takes a look behind the curtain and whisper to Sinb's ear. "We should go now before they found us. Don't you want to continue with that things? So, get up we need faster before they come to us." He dragged her before she could say something.


"Where are they going? Yah we should pair two or three split to find this two troublemaker." Manager Park order to them. Sowon and V, Jimin and Eunha, JHope and Yuju, Umji and Suga, Namjoon and Yerin, Jin and Manager Park. As they split, V take this opportunity to talk with Sowon. "How's your life? It's everything okay?" Sowon flushed with sudden conversation from V. "Ye-yes.... Everything is okay and I'm being more brave and strong thanks to you."

After Sowon and V broke up, she started slowly became independent and strong mental thanks to V who always be there for her and teach her how to deal problem smartly. She really grateful to V as she knows there's no like him who would take care and understanding her perfectly. She knows that she's a lucky girl who got him but it's the past. Now, she doesn't know if he still loves her but she doesn't care because she wants to be selfish as he teaches her before.

No one can touch him as she lives on this world or they need to fight with her until her death. He flicks to her head as she stares his face too long. She spaces out too long as thinking about V and her. She massages her head, slapping his chest gently. "It's hurt you know. It's all your faulty for being handsome." He chuckled as relieve she didn't distance herself from him. "Aigoo, since when you're became straightforward?" He said while pinching her cheeks playfully.

"Since we break up. Thanks to someone make me who I am now." V smile ear to ear, proudly to himself. "I mean myself, stop being arrogant because it's not suit to you. I love myself so much and make improvement to upgrade myself." Sowon tease him, make him pouted. "Only love yourself? How about me?" He asks innocently to her, wanting her answer desperately. "You....erhmm" She want tease him a bit longer make he upset.

"Of course I love you so much, that's why I'm in front of you. If I don't like you, I would be with Jin right now." She kisses his forehead make him blushing. He pulling her into a hug, miss her warm body. He looks into her eyes and analysis her face one by one. From her forehead to her chin and he stop at her lips. He stares it too long, think if okay kiss her now or not.

As his ex-girlfriend, she knows what's he thinks about. She pulling his face to near with her face make him uneasy. She kisses him gently on his lips make him went crazy. He takes over as he waited this moment for a long time. She let him do he wants, she missed his touch. As the things got heat up, the call intruded them. Sowon stop the kiss want to take the call but he stops her.

He knew that Jungkook would run away with Sinb as he already falls in love with her since their high school. Jungkook started open his heart as Sinb confessed to him sincerely. He already knows that Sinb would make it Jungkook to her's. The spirit of Sinb chase Jungkook away made he became her somehow.

"I should take this call." Sowon still wants take the call as that is third upcoming call. "No, trust me. They don't get Jungkook and Sinb yet. They runaway faraway because they want to be alone. I know Jungkook well, he doesn't want give up easily and Sinb would listened to Jungkook." He tried comfort her as he knows Sowon's responsibility.

"Now you can't escape from me baby girl. Starting from now, you're mine, no one can touch you and you can't be with other guy except me." V declared that she's will be with him again. She blurs as she processing the statement by V. "Why? You don't like it?" He examined her face who didn't give response. "No-no like that." She flushes at sudden changed status, from single to taken. "I don't care; I want you only you my beauty." He kisses Sowon passionately and dragged into their van.

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