Chapter 3 : I'm Not Like You But I Love You

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'Don't worry my dear, I'm going to protect you from anything and I will change you to a strong girl who not afraid anyone in this world. Wait for me babe.' V smile while looking Sowon walk away. He knows that she the one that he needs. He knew that Sowon the one help past two years ago. When people ignored him, she bravely helps him. When people think not their business to involve his needed, she was the first reached out her hand to help him.


"Yah Kim Taehyung! You fucking useless brat! Why I born you if I know you're going to give hard time? Did I tell you just take your mom's money? I'm broke now and gangsters searching me everywhere. I need pay off my debts and gambling. Are you dumb or deaf? Go ahead, search your mom's money. Now!!!" The guy continuously kicks on his stomach and hitting his head. People around him just watching him getting beat, no one steps up to stop that guy.

He asks for help but nobody help him and left him getting beat. He really hates that guy. Why that guy treated him as a trash? He also a human and didn't even want come into this world. That guy made his mom pregnant and he born because of that guy desire. He doesn't want call him father because he doesn't deserve it, only a trash human that he knows. The person he loves is only his mom but his mom in hospital because of breast cancer. That guy laughing while looking him lying on the street.

"Yah are you die? Don't you dare. You need take the money and after that I don't care if you want die or what. Wake up or I punch you again. "Excuse me, you're hurting him and he nearly die because of you. Don't think you older, you can do everything to the younger people than you. You need pay his hospital bill because you punch and kick him." The girl shout on that guy's face. Strangely, Taehyung felt glad and happy because someone bravely confront him. But, it's girl, he afraid she gets hurt because of him.

"Are you crazy? Where is your manners? Did your parents teach you? Did your teacher teach you to have bad manner to older?" That guy lecturer the girl. "Ah! Are you try teach me? Sorry but my parents and teachers already teach about it but I'm so dumb to follow it. I think rules meant to be broken. Before you lecture me, I think you should see yourself first."

The guy tries to hit the girl but luckily the girl fast dodge the hit. "Ah! I forgot to tell you that I already recorded a video you hitting your son. I should call police so you get into the jail and never come out. By the way, my father is chief of police. It's should easy to trap you in there." The guy laughing at the girl.

"Yah stop lying. Chief my butt. Yah fuck off." The girl smirk and laughing sarcastically. "Are you dumb or deaf. Did I tell you I'm a daughter of chief police and they're on their way towards us?"

The siren of police car is ringing. The guy run away and the girl bend her legs, reached out her hand. "Are you okay? Can you get up?" The girl helps him to get up. She brought him to hospital and he admitted in the hospital. He wants payback but the girl refused. "Wait, what's your name? At least, can I know your name if you don't want me to pay back."

The girl smile and patting his head. "Kim Sojung my real name but I really need a unique nickname for my debut assessment. Can you make me one nickname? Please?" She makes aegyo, usually he disgusted with aegyo but her aegyo calm him and make him smile. "Sowon, how about Sowon? It's mean wish." She frowns her face.

"Why Sowon? Make another beautiful nickname." Request her. "No. Sowon more beautiful because before you came help me, I make a wish someone help to me then you came. Isn't a beautiful nickname? Because a wish, I save from die." She smiles happily, clapping her hand. "Okay. From now, I'll use Sowon for my name and you should call me Sowon. Then I can always remember that I'm a saviour and always protect people from danger."


"V hyung why you smile alone? There something funny? Share with me." Jungkook clinging to V. "Nothing. Just remember that Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung bicker each other. Suga hyung always sleeping and Jhope hyung laughing. I just missing them. When they come back to Korea? Unfortunately, we still don't graduate yet. Wait, where is Jimin?" V searching Jimin.

"Ah! Jimin hyung is sleeping in the class." Jungkook explain to V. "Found you. Did I tell you, you can't run away from me? Because..." Sinb jump out of nowhere. She didn't get even finish her sentence, Jungkook cut her words. "Because what. Yah I'm not yours and stop clinging to me." Sinb shook while try chase Jungkook who walk away from her. "Yah how do you know that I want said that you're mine? Ooo... We have a telepathy. You should happy because you have a pretty girl like you."

Jungkook stop and Sinb bump into Jungkook's back. She rubbing her forehead and slapping his back. He turns around and facing her. "Pretty girl? Do you know her? I like that girl who have a long hair and good at singing. I don't know her name but I know her face. Can you get her number for me?" Jungkook tease her. She really pisses off with Jungkook.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook! Here in front of you! You're teasing me right? Tell me that you tease me or I will find that girl and give her a slap for steal your heart from me. I didn't even get your heart and that girl just got your heart easily. Tell me, is she really pretty pretty or just pretty?" Jungkook laughing at Sinb's cute behaviour. She pouts cutely while nagging about the girl. "So, tell me. Is she really pretty pretty or just pretty?"

"No I not found yet but if I found her, I'll tell you first." Jungkook still laughing at Sinb who make duck face. "No, you can't..." Sinb sigh and look at the floor. She raises her head and look into Jungkook's eyes with mysterious feelings. "But, if she really really really loves you more than I do, then I'll give you to her. So, don't you ever get hurt because she will never leave you and love you forever. Ah! Or you really really really love her, I'll let you go because I love you. I'm really really love you and I'm really really mean it." Sinb smile and leaving Jungkook shook with her confess.


Eunha who walking outside from office see Jungkook and Sinb are talking each other. He is laughing like a child get a candy. She suddenly gets jealous because she like him too. She wants hear what they talking about so she hides behind a wall near them. Without her realised, Jimin saw everything and look closely at Eunha.

Eunha still don't know that Jimin saw Eunha sneaking heard Jungkook and Sinb talking. Then, she didn't hear clearly and stick out her head a bit. "I'll let you go because I love you. I'm really really love you and I'm really really mean it." Sinb said toward Jungkook. She upset because she didn't even get a chance stand beside Jungkook and didn't brave like Sinb who every day never tired confess to Jungkook.

She only hears that and want to see what happened after that. But, as always she almost trips because of shoe's lace. Thankfully, Jimin caught her fastly or she will get caught with Jungkook because sneaking hears their talking. She shocks because she didn't know that Jimin will caught from fall. Actually, she kind of not like Jimin and afraid of him because his warning that morning. She pushes him away and left him alone.

"You should give up on him." Jimin whisper slowly but it's make Eunha stop walking. She walks toward Jimin and ask him to say it again. "Nothing." Jimin walk away but Eunha grab his arm, begging him to say it again. "Why you always help me lately? Doesn't you not like the girls come around you?" Jimin push Eunha to the wall and whisper to her ear. "I don't say it to you... I said you should give up on him and come to me." She started imagine something and blushing.

As their face got closer, Eunha close her eyes. "What you thinking about? Let me guess, you think that I would kiss you right? With..." Eunha put her hand on Jimin's mouth to keep him shut. She didn't want hear it, but she already imagines it. Jimin stare on Eunha's eyes with affection and she fall in deeply that stare. She can't describe that feeling, it's new feeling that she ever experienced.

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