Chapter 2 : You & I

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"Didn't I told you to run away and hide from me and I'll chase you even it's the end of the world. Because I will get what I want especially you." Jungkook back off and fall down from his chair. "You, you... You that crazy girl right! Why you here? Don't you live in Busan? You stalker bitch, get away from me." The whole class shock Jungkook shout at Sinb. They know that Sinb will not let him easily.

"Stalker bitch... What a cute nickname. Thank you honey, I didn't know that you're going to give a cute name. Okay, it's my turn about bitch's boyfriend. What a perfect match name. Do you agree my dear?" Sinb provoke Jungkook and caressing Jungkook's face. "Crazy bitch. Didn't I warn you that ever think to get near to me." Jungkook push Sinb's hand from his face.

"Awww... My cute Kookie angry with me. You mad because I threatened you that time right? Don't be mad, I'm sorry okay. I just make sure nobody can touch my cute little bunny. It's so precious and very expensive thing that I had." Jungkook grip his hand, trying to calm down. "Sinb, stop it. He not yours. Don't forget that who we are. Don't make this become into a big mess. You know right that Reporter Lee always watching you." Eunha try defence Jungkook while warn Sinb to be aware surrounding them. "I know it unnie, there's no need to remind me. Just want to remind him that don't forget me."


"Sinb, you know them? I mean the transfer students." Yerin ask Sinb curiosity because she has a feeling for V guy. "Why you ask? There someone that you like? Who? Don't you ever think to take my cute bunny." Sinb warn Yerin beforehand. Sowon taken back when Sinb ask that questions to Yerin. She takes a look at Yerin. She knows Yerin have a crush on among three guys but she hopes that not the V guy. "It's V. I like him; he is my ideal type. I don't know how I can like him but when look at him, my heart fluttering."

Sowon disappointed, why she even makes a hope when she knows that she can't even get it and she let out a heavy sigh. "Sowon unnie, are you okay? Why? There is something bother you? Talk to me, I lend my ear for you. Just tell me." Eunha worries Sowon because she knows Sowon like to keep herself her pain. "Nothing, just tired. Um, I want buy bread. Who want it, I'll buy for you." Yuju, Umji and Yerin raise their hands.

"Unnie, I want teobbokki." Whining Sinb. "Me too. The spicy one." Add Eunha. "Ah! Let me follow you, unnie." Yuju said. "It's okay. I'm going alone." Sowon walk away from them, try held back her feeling. She knows that she will lose to Yerin. She didn't pretty like Yerin, she doesn't happy go lucky like Yerin and she doesn't charm like Yerin. People said she is only tall and just a leader. Nothing more.

"What's wrong with me. I shouldn't cross line. Yerin like him. As a leader, I should give up on him so our group don't get into a mess because of a boy. You can do it. Besides, that V guy not interesting anymore. You can find someone who more handsome and charming than V." Sowon mumble alone while line up to buy breads. The guy behind her smirk when he heard Sowon's mumble and whisper at her ear. "Not interesting and charming anymore. Are you sure about that? Let's see whether you falling into me or not, Sowon." Sowon get scared and jump out.

She realised that her life going doomed. "Sorry, I just... I just... Uhmm... How I can explain? It not like you think, I..." Sowon shutter when she speaks and start embarrassed because he heard her mumble about him. "Cute." V speak out his mind then Sowon shock. He realised that he spoke aloud, he thought he only speak in his mind. He clears his throat. "I mean your hairpin. Anyway, it's start today, at 11.03 a.m., you Kim Sojung will be my girlfriend until you really falling in love with me then we broke up. I'm the one dumped you first, you can't have dumped me first or you will get punishment."

Sowon frown her face. "What's punishment? I didn't even agree dating with you." "I don't care. It's my rules and you must follow it. Ah! The punishment uhmm..." He smirks and get closer to Sowon. "Kiss... French kiss." Sowon blushing because she started imagine the things. "I didn't know that you're dirty mind." Sowon large her eyes and defence herself. "I'm not a dirty mind like you." Sowon realised their faces only a few inches and students in café take pictures of them. Then, she gets away from him. She must run away from him before it's getting worse. She run straight away to toilet and washing her face to wake up from this dream.

She afraid Yerin will disappointed with her. She feels she going to be fail to be a good leader. If anything going turn bad, it's will be her fault. She keeps blame herself because she should be careful with V but she loses her guard because of her feeling toward V. She slapping her face to remind herself to get focus on her members, not on V. She tries calm herself with listening some music. Then, the music change to I Like You So Much, You'll Know It by Ysabelle. She wants to be related with that lyrics before she comes out from the school.


The lunch hour is over and Sowon didn't comes into class. The classmates start gossiping about Sowon and V. GFriend who don't know anything can't chase up on the gossips. Yuju ask around them about what happened and they told everything. Yerin shock and she go to her place, trying to process the whole story. Should she believe or deny it but Sowon doesn't a person who betrayed her. V, Jimin and Jungkook come into the class and suddenly it's become silent. V smirk because he knows that they're gossiping about he and Sowon. Then, he realised Sowon not there.

"Where is my girlfriend? Who knows where is my Sojung go? Doesn't she go to toilet?" V take a look one by one. No one dare answers it and he stop look at Sinb. "Where is your member? I mean Sowon." Sinb shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know, she doesn't come back after going buy the bread and teobbokki. But wait, wait, girlfriend? Didn't she agree with that? Sowon unnie that I know would reject you even you're her ideal type."

Taehyung smirks at Sinb and get closer to her. "Look at my face. Did I care about it? She doesn't have any choice unless accept me because no one can reject me. I don't let people that I like so easily okay. I'll do anything to make she's mine and no one can take her from me unless you want to die early." V went to his place and leave them in speechless. Sinb glared at him as she got a bad feeling on these things.


"Sowon unnie, I know you're there. Come out, come out from this toilet. I know you're had a hard time in there. Come out, we need a discussion." Sinb banging the door of Sowon who inside the toilet. Eunha stop Sinb from banging the door. "Unnie, I know you're not coming out now because of that incident but trust me, no one mad at you." Eunha try calm the situation. "Unnie, don't worry about Yerin unnie. She will understand once you explain to her what's happened back then." Umji tried calm Sowon down. "Unnie, are you going be like this?" Yuju slapping Sinb's shoulder and give a sign 'are you crazy?' Sinb continue her speak.

"Where is my girl's crush, Kim Sowon from GFriend? Didn't she become a weak girl because of a boy. Didn't you give up on our members, on GFriend? If you really had hard time, talk to me, talk to us. You're not only our leader, you're my sister, my father, my mother, my everything. Stop being like this, please unnie." They hear someone crying and it's was Sowon. It makes the girls tearing up too and they crying all together. It's been a week since Sowon and V incident. Sowon and Yerin are not completely in good terms yet.

V always come to her and acting a sweet + caring boyfriend but he still a jerk to others. He showering Sowon with full love and only for her. She tried push away V and she already regret because of her, Yerin distance from her and GFriend except Sinb and Yuju. She tried her best to keep them together and she tried many things to reach Yerin. She knows Yerin really like V so she tries to talk with V.

"V can we talk? It's will not take a long time. I want talk about our relationship." Sowon ask while staring at V's table. "Did the table is more handsome and charming than me, sweetie." V stare at Sowon's face while smiling sweetly. "N-no-no... Meet you at rooftop when lunch time." Sowon walk away from him. "Okay my beauty." Shout V from a distance. 'Don't worry my dear, I'm going to protect you from anything and I will change you to a strong girl who not afraid anyone in this world. Wait for me babe.'

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