Chapter 8 : Horrible Day

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"Yah Hwang Eunbi! Where are going? We're worried about you, you know. Why you skip classes, did you make trouble again? Sinb, did you forget that we will be debut a few months? So, stop making trouble." Umji nagging to Sinb like grandma, Sinb smile faintly and tidy her belongings. "I'm sorry for making you worry." Sinb bow to them and left the class.

They looking each other and chasing her but too late she's gone. "Yah what's wrong with her? Did she go into biggest trouble?" Yerin ask them, tap her chin thinking about Sinb. "Don't you think Sinb changed this morning?" Yuju asked to them and make them agree with her. "I also noticed she didn't cling to Jungkook today. Did they have a fight?" Umji told what's going on Sinb.

"If I not mistaken, Sinb would never leave him alone even he starts a fight with her." Yerin give her opinion. "I don't know why I felt Sinb got tired with chased Jungkook's love." Yuju said with innocently. Eunha slap Yuju arm hardly and stuffing Yuju's mouth with snack in her hands. Umji nodded her head, agree with Yuju make Yerin pinch her cheeks.

"Yah can you stop think negatively about them? But, I can't help but agree with you. I think Jungkook like Tzuyu and Sinb know about that. She got angry and tired so she stops bothered him." Yerin give summary of Sinb and Jungkook. Eunha sigh look at them conclusion, she doesn't want agree with them because Sinb would never leave him alone. So, she decided to do something than make some nonsense things. Eunha give an idea and they agreed to help Sinb.


Sinb sigh while thinking her life, she really wants someone who can take care of her and giving a spotlight only for her. She bumps with a stranger because she didn't look in front. She rubbing her forehead and look up to see who is she bumped. Guess what, Jeon Jungkook and Tzuyu in front her.

"Sorry, I'm not in my mind. I'm sorry again." She bows at him and left him quickly. He shook at her new behaviour, Sinb that he knows who always clinging, bold and brave are gone. The Sinb that he just bumped is timid and weak.

Jungkook grabbed Sinb and saw Sinb crying. She quickly sweeping her tears and smile at Jungkook sweetly. "Why? Do you need something? Ah! If I make an annoying things just now I'm so sorry." Sinb take a look to Tzuyu who looking at them. "What's wrong with you today? Are you sick?" Jungkook put his hand on Sinb's forehead.

Sinb push his hand away gently. She can sense Tzuyu's jealousy by looking her eyes. "You should go now. Your girlfriend waiting for you. I'm fine thanks for your concern." Sinb smile faintly to Jungkook and leave him still puzzle with his situation. She still like Jungkook but she doesn't want be selfish anymore. She knows he hate her because she takes his happiness away by stay with him all times.

She still remembers that she told him that she will let him go if someone really really really love him or he really really really love her. Maybe that time is now, she should keep lay down don't ruin someone else relationship. She really misses him; she wants stay with him but it's too late. His heart belongs to someone else, that's why he keeps pushing her away.

Maybe her mother right this time, she doesn't deserve get love from anyone. No one like her from her born in this world until she met GFriend. Only them care about her and keep make her smile and laugh. As she busy thinking about all stuff, she reached at Big Hit Entertainment. She didn't know that why her legs brought her to this place. As she turned around, someone grabbed her hand and take her inside the company. Sinb look at the person grabbed her hand, it's was JHope.

"Why you take me inside?" JHope look at her gently. "I know you're in trouble. Dance can make you forgot everything. I heard from Yuju that you're selected as main dancer at Source Music." "I'm not in mood. Sorry, I should go now." As she turned around, she bumps into Jungkook. She quickly apologizes and want to get out from this situation. "Why you're running from me? From this morning, you're avoiding me? Did you got hurt my words? I'm sorry, can you be the old Sinb? I don't know why but I really want the clingy Sinb." Jungkook's words make her stop from walk.

"I'm sorry but Sinb that you wanted is died because she..." She couldn't finish her words. She cursed on herself right now, being weak in front. "Died? What are you talking about?" Jungkook stand in front her. She set her mind to be strong, look at his face. She wants to cry that time, the horrible past keep trapped her inside. Her mother and father words keep replay in her mind make her bursting tears.

She got tired and angry with this bullshit, why she even born if her parents keep cursed on her. Keep make her doing that she doesn't want to do. Thinking she is a trash which they can throw away whenever they want. "Sorry... that all bullshit. You wanted she died right? Now as your wish, I died and never come back. I died because of you. I really got tired with unrequited love with you, with my parents, with all people in this world. Why I even born if you keep doing this to me?"

She quickly run without thinking. Run and keep run until her legs can't take anymore. As she calms down, she walks across the street. Without her realised, she flying to the air and fall down on the street. Jackson was afraid and left her alone, lying on street. "I guess this is the end of my life. No one would find I if I die. It's okay Sinb, you already know what's going happen. No need to hope anything, just die and that only the way you can everyone happy." Sinb passed out after mumbled herself.

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