Chapter 12 : You're Mine, Always Be Mine

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"Jeon Jungkook where are you taking to?" Sinb worried about Sowon as she promised to her that she would behave today for her. "To teach you how to treat your daddy." Sinb confused, why her dad involved in this. "Daddy? What's wrong with my dad? Did you already know him? I thought I didn't introduce him to you." She asks innocently to Jungkook.

"No~, you didn't introduce him to me yet. Maybe later, but since when you're so innocent? Did you want teach me how a baby?" She tried hard to remember it and it's come hitting fiercely as she forces the memory come. She massages her forehead as she really wants to remember her memories with him.

"To teach you how make a baby and how a baby born. Don't you fail Science subject? So, I'm going to teach you. Don't worry about it, I'll make it slowly and it's won't hurt." It's come out from her head and it's become clearly as she already knows that boy is Jungkook. She screams as her head felt like split into two.

Jungkook worried about her, he knows she really wants the memory came back quickly. "It's okay, no need to force yourself to remember it. Our past isn't good and if you're know the truth, you must hate me so much. But, I don't care because I already love you. I don't care if you want slap me or hit me as long as you don't leave me."

He realised he really really really love her after she got into accident. He came to hospital every day to visit and take care her. Even her manager got mad and cursed on him, he doesn't care. What's he thinks is all about her only her. He really wants her wake up faster and confess to her but he got locked up into his room. He even broke up with Tzuyu as he already knows she was involved with Jackson in Sinb's accident.

His CEO want him to stop seeing her because it can make their reputation got worse. He cried every night, begging his members and managers for want to see her but they turned down his beg as they want to protect him from media. He even went to Big Hit Entertainment to beg Bang PDnim to see her but he also turned down his hope. He also ran away from their dorm but got caught with his manager and bodyguard of Big Hit Entertainment.

Every day is tortured to him as he doesn't get to see her. He skipped his meal for a week but thankfully Jin pulling him into the reality back. Jin brought him to see her but he can saw her from a far but still he thankful because he can saw her one more time than never. As he got into there, she was packing her things, got ready to go home.

He smiled and crying at same time because he glads to see she woke up and felt guilty as he causes her got into accident. He wanted to talk to her but Jin quickly stop him as Manager Park came in the room. He only got saw her from a far made him disappointed and mad at himself. As he got into their dorm, he locked up himself to his room, thinking about her.

"Jeon Jungkook! What are you thinking about? You're spacing out too long just now. There is something bother you? If it's is telling me, I would lend my ears for you. This time, I would remember it. I swear if I don't remember it you can punish on me." Sinb smile gently make him blushing. He staring at her face, mesmerise every feature in her face. He realised she became more beautiful and mature than before.

"Yah why you looking at me like that? There is something on my face? Is there chili flakes on my teeth?" He laughed at her, she panics as she thought that it's true. She quickly checking on her mirror but nothing on her teeth. She looks at him confusedly. "There's is on your lips. You don't see it." He come closer and kiss her gently.

She slaps his chest as she knows that he teased her. "Hahaha, just remember about how you're chasing me when we were on high school. That time, you're really like crazy girl who obsess over me. I'm really afraid of you, you're really bold and shameless. I'm afraid that you're really wants me and rape me that time." She laughed at his statement, she thinks that she's really scared to him.

"You want know right about what's going on between us? Let me tell you about your craziness." Sinb laying on Jungkook's lap as she ready to hear his story about them. He caressing her face and playing her hairs as he recites the story for her. She listened carefully every single words comes out from his mouth.


"Okay guys, today we have singing test so did you guys prepared what I told you last time?" Miss Lee cheerful ask them, excited to listen her students sing. "Yes." They reply with depress tone, not willing to sing because they lost their hope on sing. "Oh come on guys, if you all pass on singing test I would treat you guys dinner today. My treat is Subway sandwiches and movies." They cheering happily when heard the treat.

"Okay start from Jungkook, I heard that you really good in singing." Miss Lee want to test Jungkook as she knows Jungkook is hot temper guy. "Okay." He replies calmly as he already knows Miss Lee test on him. "I will sing Never Not by Lauv."

We were so beautiful

We were so tragic

No other magic could ever compare

Lost myself, seventeen

Then you came, found me

No other magic could ever compare

There's a room

In my heart with the memories we made

Took 'em down but they're still in their frames

There's no way I could ever forget, mmm

For as long as I live and as long as I love

I will never not think about you

You, mmm

I will never not think about you

From the moment I loved, I knew you were the one

And no matter what I-I do, ooh, mmm

I will never not think about you

What we had only comes

Once in a lifetime

For the rest of mine, always compare

To the room

In my heart with the memories we made

Nights on fifth, in between B and A

There's no way I could ever forget, mmm

For as long as I live and as long as I love

I will never not think about you

You, mmm

I will never not think about you

From the moment I loved, I knew you were the one

And no matter what I-I do, ooh, mmm

I will never not think about you

Didn't we have fun?

Didn't we have fun, looking back?

Didn't we have fun?

Didn't we have fun?

Didn't we have fun?

Didn't we have fun, looking back?

Didn't we have fun?

Didn't we have fun?

We were so beautiful

We were so tragic

No other magic could ever compare.

Sinb clapping her hand loudly, she proud of him who delivered the song nice and neatly. The girls screaming happily as they're falling on his voice. Sinb glare to every each of who screaming just now. She got jealous because she wants he belongs to her's. "Okay next is Sinb. Last time I really enjoy your singing." Miss Lee compliment her in front him made him chuckled sarcastically.

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